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WCC condemns Yemen blast, offers prayers for Croatian earthquake, Norway landslide

As the years change over the World Council of Churches interim general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca on 31 December condemned the vicious Yemen attack hitting civilians. Sauca also expressed solidarity and prayers with churches and responders who continue to help hundreds of injured and traumatized people of the earthquake in Croatia and Norway landslide.

Junge Menschen spielen bei Papstbesuch zentrale Rolle

Eine junge Methodistin aus Samoa, die aktiv an der Gestaltung des Gebetsgottesdienstes mit Papst Franziskus im Rahmen von dessen Besuch beim Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) in Genf mitgewirkt hat, sagt, es sei sehr wichtig, dass gerade junge Menschen ausgewählt wurden, um die Gebete und Botschaften in dem Gottesdienst zu lesen.

Young people play key role during papal visit

A young Samoan Methodist who had a role in the prayer service with Pope Francis during the pontiff’s visit to the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva says it is significant that young people were chosen to read prayers and messages.