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South Sudan cleric highlights biting hunger in a “triple pandemic” as African churches confront food insecurity

South Sudan church leaders are among African clerics who are highlighting a painful “hunger pandemic” in their countries, as experts warn of aggravated food insecurity in regions due to coronavirus.

Fr James Oyet Latansio, general secretary of the South Sudan Council of Churches, said the disease had devastated families, creating a “triple pandemic” including COVID-19, gender-based violence and severe hunger.

ÖRK und Partner planen Weltgebetstag für ein Ende des Hungers

Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen, die Weltweite Evangelische Allianz und die Gesamtafrikanische Kirchenkonferenz planen für den 10. Juni 2018 zusammen mit kirchlichen humanitären Organisationen und einer Koalition kirchlicher Netzwerke, Organisationen und Partner einen Weltgebetstag für ein Ende des Hungers, der in diesem Jahr zum zweiten Mal in Glaubensgemeinschaften weltweit begangen werden soll.

WCC and partners plan Global Day of Prayer to End Famine

The WCC, World Evangelical Alliance and All Africa Conference of Churches, along with church-related humanitarian organizations and a coalition of church-related networks and organizations and partners, are planning 10 June 2018 as a second Global Day of Prayer to End Famine to be observed in faith congregations worldwide.

“Only through shared progress can we be free from hunger and inequity”

This week world leaders are gathered in Davos under the very theme of “Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World”. They do so at a time when we see poverty amongst plenty; hunger and thirst in the midst of abundance; shocking disparities in the quality of life between neighboring communities: real problems that the world has the potential and the possibilities to resolve.

Appell an G20: Im Kampf gegen den Hunger müssen die mächtigen Industrienationen Führung übernehmen

In einem an die wichtigsten Volkswirtschaften der Welt gerichteten Appell, der im Vorfeld ihres alljährlichen Gipfeltreffens veröffentlicht wurde, haben der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK), das ACT-Bündnis und die Gesamtafrikanische Kirchenkonferenz die Führungsverantwortlichen der G20-Staaten dringend aufgefordert, Maßnahmen zur Überwindung des Hungers und zur Stärkung von Gerechtigkeit und Frieden am Horn von Afrika zu ergreifen.

Call to Action: G20 leaders must lead fight against hunger

As part of a Call to Action issued just before an annual meeting of the leaders of the world’s largest economies, the WCC, ACT Alliance and All Africa Conference of Churches urged G20 leaders to take action to overcome hunger and sustain justice and peace in the Horn of Africa.

Faith leaders’ message to G7 – Video testimonies call to end famine

Following an open editorial by a range of faith leaders and partners published on 22 May, the World Council of Churches now shares a video message of faith leaders giving testimony to the importance of taking action to end famine, through politics, through faith, and as a global community of fellow human beings.

What happens when the world joins in a prayer to end famine

On 21 May - observed as the Global Day of Prayer to End Famine - millions of people from faith communities, organizations and neighborhoods across the world prayed, tweeted, posted and talked face-to-face about the urgent action needed to aid 20 million people facing famine in South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Nigeria.

Millionen Menschen beten gemeinsam für ein Ende des Hungers

Am 21. Mai, dem Weltgebetstag für ein Ende des Hungers, haben Millionen Menschen unterschiedlicher Glaubenstraditionen, aus verschiedensten Organisationen und lokalen Gemeinschaften in der ganzen Welt gebetet, getwittert, gepostet und persönlich darüber gesprochen, dass 20 Millionen Menschen im Südsudan, in Somalia, im Jemen und in Nigeria unter Hungersnöten leiden und dringende Abhilfe notwendig ist.

Millions join hearts and minds to pray for end to famine

On 21 May - the Global Day of Prayer to End Famine - millions of people from faith communities, organizations and neighborhoods across the world prayed, tweeted, posted and talked face-to-face about the urgent action needed to aid 20 million people facing famine in South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Nigeria.

UN discussion focuses on women, HIV and property rights

“She is HIV positive too. No need to inherit her late husband’s title deed. She will die soon and leave it anyway.”

These man’s thoughts during his brother’s funeral were used by Jane Ng’ang’a, national coordinator, International Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Personally Affected by HIV (INERELA+) Kenya Chapter, to push the debate on property and inheritance rights linked to HIV. The discussion was held during the 61st Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), on 16 March, at the headquarters of UNAIDS, in New York.