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Jouni Hemberg: “Make the message more visible”

Our series of interviews with Thursdays in Black ambassadors highlights those who are playing a vital role in increasing the impact of our collective call for a world without rape and violence. Jouni Hemberg is executive director of Finn Church Aid.

Gemeinderat der orthodoxen Gemeinde in Helsinki bekennt sich zur Kampagne „Donnerstags in Schwarz“

Der Gemeinderat der orthodoxen Gemeinde in Helsinki hat seine Unterstützung für die weltweite Kampagne „Donnerstags in Schwarz. Für eine Welt ohne Vergewaltigung und Gewalt“ zum Ausdruck gebracht.

Maria Mountraki ist Mitglied der Kommission der Kirchen für Internationale Angelegenheiten des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK), aber auch zweite Vize-Vorsitzende des Gemeinderates der orthodoxen Gemeinde in Helsinki.

Helsinki Orthodox Parish Council embraces Thursdays in Black campaign

The Helsinki Orthodox Parish Council has endorsed the Thursdays in Black global campaign for a world free from rape and violence.

Maria Mountraki, a member of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, also serves as the second vice president of the Helsinki Orthodox Parish Council.

Solidarity overcomes sorrow: Indigenous Peoples gather in Trondheim

Journeying from urban centres and small Pacific islands, mountain ranges and rural towns, more than 170 Indigenous people gathered this week at the mouth of the river that flows from traditional Sami lands. Their conference, “Reconciliation Processes and Indigenous Peoples: Truth, Healing and Transformation,” brought together representatives of more than two dozen Indigenous societies in connection with the WCC Central Committee meetings in Trondheim, Norway.

Symposium focuses on religion, violence, extremism

To promote open discussions on the theological and practical discourse, narrative and experiences on implications for the work of the multi-religious organizations on religion, violence and extremism, the WCC, along with the General Board of Church and Society of The United Methodist Church and the General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists held a Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-Based Organizations in International Affairs.

ÖRK/UN-Konferenz fordert koordiniertes Handeln in der Flüchtlingskrise

Im Anschluss an die hochrangige ÖRK/UN-Konferenz über die Flüchtlingskrise in Europa, die am 18. und 19. Januar im Ökumenischen Zentrum in Genf stattgefunden hat, wurde eine Erklärung mit dem Titel „Europas Reaktion auf die Flüchtlings- und Migrantenkrise, von den Ursprungsorten über die Durchgangsstationen bis zur Aufnahme und Zuflucht: ein Aufruf zu gemeinsamer Verantwortung und koordiniertem Handeln“ herausgegeben.

WCC/UN conference calls for coordinated action on refugee crisis

Following the WCC/UN High Level Conference on the Refugee Crisis in Europe, which took place at the Ecumenical Centre Geneva on 18-19 January, a statement has been issued entitled "Europe’s Response to the Refuge Crisis, From Origin to Transit, Reception and Refuge, A Call for Shared Responsibility and Coordinated Action”.

WCC urges responsibility for and support to the refugees in Europe

In the wake of recent crisis with the refugees in Europe, it is “absolutely and critically necessary that all European states take their proper responsibility in terms of reception and support for people seeking refuge, safety and a better future for themselves and their families. This cannot be left only to the states where they enter first,” says the WCC general secretary.

ÖRK-Exekutivausschuss äußert sich zu Migrationskrise

In tiefer Sorge um die Migrantinnen und Migranten in vielen Regionen der Welt, insbesondere um diejenigen, „die aus Verzweiflung unter großen Risiken und Gefahren reisen“, erklärte der Exekutivausschuss des ÖRK: „Alle Mitglieder der internationalen Gemeinschaft haben die moralische und rechtliche Verpflichtung, das Leben der Menschen zu retten, die auf See oder auf der Durchreise in Lebensgefahr schweben, ungeachtet ihrer Herkunft oder ihres Status.“

WCC Executive Committee speaks out on migrant crises

Deeply concerned for migrants in many regions, especially those “driven to undertake journeys of desperate risk and danger”, the WCC Executive Committee has declared: “All members of the international community have a moral and legal duty to save the lives of those in jeopardy at sea or in transit, regardless of their origin and status.”