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#WCC70: Kinder in der ökumenischen Bewegung

Viele ökumenische Pioniere, darunter der ehemalige ÖRK-Generalsekretär Philip Potter, waren in einem gewissen Sinne ein Produkt der Sonntagsschulbewegung. Ulrich Becker erzählt eine Geschichte, die in Vergessenheit zu drohen scheint.

#WCC70: Children in the Ecumenical Movement

Many ecumenical pioneers, including former WCC general secretary Philip Potter, were in a sense a product of the Sunday School movement. Ulrich Becker tells a story that seems to be in danger of being forgotten.

Canadian churches celebrate WCC’s 70th anniversary

The Atlantic School of Theology in Nova Scotia, Canada, celebrated the 70th anniversary of the WCC on 22 November at a chapel service. Also in Canada, the Canadian Council of Churches Governing Board members were pleased to hear from WCC representatives during their meeting in Ontario from 21-23 November.

How can you help refugees?

What else could your family, your parish, your community do to respond to the needs of migrants and refugees arriving in your country? Representatives of many different churches met in Rome in September to discuss that practical question, as well as respond to the broader challenge of how people of faith can combat the rising tide of racism, xenophobia and nationalist policies that increasingly target vulnerable migrants and asylum seekers.

#WCC70: Die Saat der Ökumene

Während eines Gesprächs auf der Heimreise nach Chile nach Beendigung der Vierten ÖRK-Vollversammlung wurde eine ökumenische Saat gepflanzt, die zu eine bereichernden Erfahrung christlicher Einheit herangewachsen ist - die Partnerschaftsvereinbarung zwischen der Pfingstkirche in Chile und der Vereinigten Kirche Christi.

#WCC70: From ecumenical seeds

A conversation on the way home to Chile from the WCC 4th Assembly planted an ecumenical seed that grew into a wonderful experience of Christian unity – the partnership agreement between the Pentecostal Church of Chile and the United Church of Christ.