Displaying 1 - 15 of 15

Pilgrimage and youth

Youth are not the future leaders of tomorrow. They are the leaders of today, as they fearlessly lead efforts for justice and peace in their societies.

40 years after Soweto youth uprising, disillusion reigns

Forty years after pupils in South Africa’s largest black township, Soweto, took to the streets to protest an inferior education system and set in motion the demise of apartheid, the release of Nelson Mandela and democracy, disillusion has replaced hope.

Advent protests in New York City

Ferguson is in turmoil. So is New York. And so is Union Theological Seminary in the city of New York, a long-standing institution of theological education located on the upper west side of Manhattan – or in West Harlem – since 1836.

Junge christliche, muslimische und jüdische Gläubige arbeiten gemeinsam für Klimagerechtigkeit

Im Kontext von Spannungen, die oft durch religiöse Überzeugungen angeheizt werden, haben sich junge christliche, muslimische und jüdische Gläubige zu einer multireligiösen Gemeinschaft zusammengeschlossen. Im Rahmen des interreligiösen Sommerkurses, der vom ÖRK gefördert wird, will sich diese Gruppe gemeinsam für die Bewahrung der Schöpfung engagieren, ein Anliegen, das ihrer Meinung nach allen Glaubenstraditionen gemein ist.

A community of young Christians, Muslims and Jews works for climate justice

Amidst the reality of tensions often fueled by religions, a group of Christian, Muslim and Jewish youth has formed a multi-faith community. As part of an interfaith summer course sponsored by the WCC, this community wants to work for the protection of creation – a concern they say is common to all faith traditions.

Student calls for more age diversity in WCC

Eighteen-year-old Asha Smith has a vision for changing laws that lead to injustice. In some ways, she is just beginning her life pilgrimage. While studying law at American University in Washington, DC, she serves as a youth intern for the Church Federation of Greater Indianapolis (USA), her home community.

Letters to the future: Eco-justice visions in South Africa

What will the world look like if we continue careening down a slide of eco-injustice? Ninth graders in South Africa have some idea. In a campaign organized by Suwi Siwila, the students pretended they were living in the future, writing a description to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Two new scholarship endowments for Bossey

The endowment of two new scholarship funds geared towards facilitating studies at the Ecumenical Institute of the WCC was celebrated at the graduation ceremony for the 61st session of the institute's Graduate School of Ecumenical Studies on 3 February.