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Neue und alte Epidemien als Thema der ÖRK-Konferenz in Nairobi

Zwei HIV-Initiativen des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) haben auf einer gemeinsamen Konferenz die wichtige und lebensverändernde Arbeit dieser beiden Projekte Revue passieren lassen, ihre Erfolge gewürdigt und weitere Planungen für eine entschlossenere Antwort auf HIV und AIDS innerhalb der neuen Kommission der Kirchen für Gesundheit und Heilen auf den Weg gebracht.

New and old epidemics in focus at WCC gathering in Nairobi

Two World Council of Churches (WCC) HIV initiatives met to review and celebrate the critical and life-changing work of the initiatives and to continue planning for a strengthened WCC HIV response in the new WCC Commission of the Churches on Health and Healing.

Faith and HIV treatment go hand in hand

For HIV-infected people in Nairobi, the Eastern Deanery Aids Relief Program makes a difference. By providing a quarter of the antiretroviral therapy care, it helps around 26,000 HIV-infected people in the Kenyan capital to live normal lives.

Worrying food shortages compel faith action

As churches worldwide focus on the “Action Week for Food” in October, increasing numbers of people going hungry due to violent conflicts, failed harvests and rising food costs are compelling faith-based organizations to offer urgent intervention.

In Kenya, issues of young people come to the forefront

Are church schools in Kenya engaging with youth the best way they can? The WCC-EHAIA programme helped 22 principals, education secretaries and church leaders ponder this question when they met at St Julian’s Centre in Limuru.

Global prayers to end famine find relevance in Africa

The Global Day of Prayer to End Famine has found relevance in Africa, where communities bear the brunt of severe food shortages associated with the challenge. On 10 June, the WCC, All Africa Conference of Churches and World Evangelical Alliance called on churches to pray for millions of people at risk and those who face severe hunger.

ÖRK und Partner planen Weltgebetstag für ein Ende des Hungers

Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen, die Weltweite Evangelische Allianz und die Gesamtafrikanische Kirchenkonferenz planen für den 10. Juni 2018 zusammen mit kirchlichen humanitären Organisationen und einer Koalition kirchlicher Netzwerke, Organisationen und Partner einen Weltgebetstag für ein Ende des Hungers, der in diesem Jahr zum zweiten Mal in Glaubensgemeinschaften weltweit begangen werden soll.

WCC and partners plan Global Day of Prayer to End Famine

The WCC, World Evangelical Alliance and All Africa Conference of Churches, along with church-related humanitarian organizations and a coalition of church-related networks and organizations and partners, are planning 10 June 2018 as a second Global Day of Prayer to End Famine to be observed in faith congregations worldwide.

“Only through shared progress can we be free from hunger and inequity”

This week world leaders are gathered in Davos under the very theme of “Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World”. They do so at a time when we see poverty amongst plenty; hunger and thirst in the midst of abundance; shocking disparities in the quality of life between neighboring communities: real problems that the world has the potential and the possibilities to resolve.

Theologinnen sprechen über Migration, Gender und Religion

Das Buch „Nous avons un désir. There is Something We Long For“, das Beiträge afrikanischer Theologinnen enthält, erfuhr durch die Verleihung des Marga Bührig Preises 2017 auf einem Wochenendsymposium in Basel in der Schweiz Lob und Anerkennung.

Female theologians discuss migration, gender and religion at ceremony for award-winning book

The book, “There is Something We Long For” compiled by African female theologians received accolades when its authors were presented with the Marga Bührig Award 2017 at a weekend symposium in Basel, Switzerland. The prize was celebrated on 4 November at the Missionshaus in Basel with some of the authors and editors of the group known as Tsena Malalaka who wrote the book.