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Protect the Amazon, urges WCC statement

“The Amazon, the green heart of the Earth, is mourning and the life it sustains is withering,” begins a statement released by the World Council of Churches Executive Committee as it met in Amman, Jordan from 17-23 November.

WCC welcomes new temporary ceasefire in Colombia

“This is another sign of hope from Colombia to the whole world”, said Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC) after the announcement that the Colombian government and the National Liberation Army (ELN) have agreed to a temporary ceasefire.

Menschenrechte in Argentinien: die Reise geht weiter

„Seit 1983 genießt Argentinien die längste Zeit der Demokratie unserer Geschichte – das ist eine wichtige Errungenschaft, und gerade deshalb müssen wir uns um sie kümmern.“ Die Botschaft von Estela Barnes de Carlotto war geprägt von Stolz über den friedlichen Wandel von der Militärdiktatur zur Demokratie vor 35 Jahren sowie von der Sorge über neuste Entwicklungen in ihrem Land. Carlotto sprach an einem Treffen in Genf, an dem die Freundschaft aufgefrischt wurde zwischen dem ÖRK und der Vereinigung der Großmütter der Plaza de Mayo, deren Präsidentin sie ist.

In Argentina, stirring journey for human rights continues

"Since 1983 Argentina is enjoying the longest period of democracy in our history – it is a great achievement and that is why we need to take care of it." Pride in the peaceful change from military dictatorship to democracy 35 years ago and concern over recent developments in her country was the message that Estela Barnes de Carlotto brought with her to a meeting in Geneva reinvigorating the friendship between the WCC and the Association of the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo, of which she is the president.

Latin American ecumenical gathering to focus on eco-justice and peace building

More than 30 young adults coming from different countries in Latin America and the Caribbean will gather in Colombia to reflect and plan actions on eco-justice and peace building. “Young people for Eco-Justice and Peace: The challenge that we accept” will be organized by the World Student Christian Federation in Latin America and the Caribbean (WSCF – LAC), a partner of the World Council of Churches (WCC), in Barranquilla, from 15-18 August.

G20-Gipfel in Hamburg: Aufruf zu Friedensgebet

Während am Freitag die politische Führungsriege der G20-Staaten sich in Hamburg versammelte um globale Wirschafts-, Gesellschafts-, Umwelt- und Politikfragen zu diskutieren, riefen die Kirchen zum gemeinsamen Friedensgebet in Deutschland und weltweit auf.

G20 summit: call to pray for peace in Hamburg

Friday evening when the leaders of the G20 states will be meeting in Hamburg and discussing global economic, social, environmental and political issues, the churches in Germany are inviting people in Germany and all over the world to a common peace prayer.

WCC supports demands for release of Argentinean indigenous activist Milagro Sala

“WCC notes the concern expressed by Movimiento Ecuménico por los Derechos Humanos (MEDH) and many other civil society organizations in Argentina that Milagro Sala, a prominent political activist, social and indigenous leader, is being arbitrarily detained because of her activism, though other charges are laid against her”, wrote Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), in a letter on 16 December, to the Evangelical Methodist Church of Argentina (IEMA), in support of MEDH in its claim regarding Sala.

Brazilian Methodists reaffirm commitment to mission and discipleship

“The vision for mission and the many ministries of the Methodists in Brazil have deep value and impact for the people,” wrote Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), in a letter to the 20th General Council of the Methodist Church in Brazil on 8 July.

WCC mourns the death of Federico Pagura

“Bishop Pagura was one of the pillars of Latin American and world ecumenism in the last fifty years, a faithful and courageous champion of human rights and the cause of peace in Latin America and around the globe”, wrote Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), after the passing of Bishop Emeritus Federico José Pagura, on 6 June, in Argentina.

WCC welcomes historic step towards peace in Colombia

The WCC has welcomed the historic announcement made by the Colombian government and the FARC revolutionary force agreeing to a framework for ending 50 years of internal conflict in the nation and addressing issues of justice and reparations to the victims.

Christian unity marks visit of WCC delegation to Pentecostal Church in Chile

A worship service on 30 August at the Pentecostal Cathedral of Curico, Chile, featured participation from the WCC general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit and the WCC president for Latin America and the Caribbean Rev. Gloria Ulloa. Christian unity and ecumenical aspirations remained in focus at the service attended by more than 1,300 people.