Displaying 1 - 20 of 24

Climate crisis fuels existing water injustice

2021 has shown how vulnerable and unprepared even wealthy, industrialized countries are in the face of the escalating climate crisis. Devastating flooding, unprecedented heat waves and out-of-control wildfires have hit parts of Europe and North America. Yet this is just a foretaste of catastrophes that have long since become a bitter reality in other parts of the world. They are almost always a matter of too much or too little water. Yet water problems are often the result of discrimination and political failure, especially in times of climate change.

Workshop in Bangladesh links climate, economic justice

From 29 January to 1 February, 30 representatives from various faith traditions gathered in Dhaka, Bangladesh for a workshop on “Interfaith Reflections on Just Transitions: Linking Climate and Economic Justice”. The workshop was organised by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Council for World Mission and was hosted by the National Council of Churches in Bangladesh.

Rev. Dr Shanta Premawardhana: ‘Seeds of peace come from the ground’

“The seeds of peace come from the ground.” That is the vision that Rev. Dr Shanta Premawardhana, former director of Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation at the World Council of Churches and now president of OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership, tries to follow with his organization.

ÖRK-Exekutivausschuss äußert sich zu Migrationskrise

In tiefer Sorge um die Migrantinnen und Migranten in vielen Regionen der Welt, insbesondere um diejenigen, „die aus Verzweiflung unter großen Risiken und Gefahren reisen“, erklärte der Exekutivausschuss des ÖRK: „Alle Mitglieder der internationalen Gemeinschaft haben die moralische und rechtliche Verpflichtung, das Leben der Menschen zu retten, die auf See oder auf der Durchreise in Lebensgefahr schweben, ungeachtet ihrer Herkunft oder ihres Status.“

WCC Executive Committee speaks out on migrant crises

Deeply concerned for migrants in many regions, especially those “driven to undertake journeys of desperate risk and danger”, the WCC Executive Committee has declared: “All members of the international community have a moral and legal duty to save the lives of those in jeopardy at sea or in transit, regardless of their origin and status.”

El Comité Ejecutivo del CMI se pronuncia sobre las crisis de los migrantes

Profundamente preocupado por la situación de los migrantes en muchas regiones y, en particular, por la de aquellos “obligados a emprender viajes desesperados llenos de riesgos y peligros”, el Comité Ejecutivo del CMI declaró que “todos los miembros de la comunidad internacional tienen el deber moral y legal de salvar las vidas de aquellos que están en peligro, sea en el mar o durante su tránsito, independientemente de su origen o condición”.

Churches, human rights and issues of justice and peace in Bangladesh

Jayonta Adhikari, a Bangladeshi member of the WCC Central Committee, speaks about socio-political realities for Christians in his country, aspirations for protection of human rights, as well as what the WCC's call for a “pilgrimage of justice of peace” means for the region’s churches.