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Preparatory Paper N° 2: Worksheet on social reconciliation

This worksheet is intended to be a tool to reflect and/or prepare a discussion on reconciliation and in particular social reconciliation and its relevance for churches in mission.

It is based mainly on reflections taken from Robert Schreiter's book The Ministry of Reconciliation. Spirituality and Strategies. Maryknoll, Orbis, 1998, pp. 105 ff., and the experience of WCC colleagues, in particular Guillermo Kerber Mas, from the WCC team on International Affairs, Peace and Human Security.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

Documento preparatorio No 2: Hoja de trabajo sobre reconciliación social

Esta hoja de trabajo pretende ser una herramienta para la reflexión y /o la preparación de un debate sobre reconciliación y, en particular, sobre la reconciliación social y su importancia para las iglesias en misión.

It is based mainly on reflections taken from Robert Schreiter's book The Ministry of Reconciliation. Spirituality and Strategies. Maryknoll, Orbis, 1998, pp. 105 ff., and the experience of WCC colleagues, in particular Guillermo Kerber Mas, from the WCC team on International Affairs, Peace and Human Security.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

Preparatory Paper N° 4: Statement on mission as reconciliation

This paper offers reflections on mission as reconciliation from an ecumenical point of view and is shared as part of the preparatory process for the 2005 Conference on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME). It is the result of a consultation attended by ten missiologists coming from five continents, rooted in their own contextual spiritualities and coming from various church traditions such as Orthodox, Protestant, Pentecostal and Roman Catholic. They worked hard to reach and express some common convictions. The statement was received as a study document by the CWME Conference Planning Committee (CPC) during its meeting near Athens in March 2004. The CPC decided to share it widely, in order to receive reactions, comments, critiques, suggestions for modification and improvement. The paper will then be presented, possibly in a revised version, to the WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism meeting later in autumn this year.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

2003 Programa de Estudios sobre el VIH/SIDA para instituciones teológicas

Edición revisada de la primera versión publicada por MAP International en 2001 tras la celebración de dos talleres patrocinados por ONUSIDA, el Consejo Mundial de Iglesias y MAP International. A los talleres asistieron decanos y rectores de facultades de teología, teólogos de diversas denominaciones procedentes de 20 instituciones teológicas de 14 países. Aunque se inspira básicamente en esa publicación contiene párrafos y perspectivas basadas en los resultados de la utilización original en países del África meridional.

WCC Programmes

A Treasure in Earthen Vessels: An Instrument for an Ecumenical Reflection on Hermeneutics

This text (Faith and Order Paper No. 182) explores the complex but often creative field of hermeneutics - the interpretation of texts, symbols, and rites - and its role in the search for visible church unity. It invites us to reflect on how we approach and evaluate one another's language and symbols, as a contribution to mutual understanding among Christians and churches.

Commission on Faith and Order