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Economy of Life, Justice, and Peace for All: A Call to Action

As a follow-up to the Alternative Globalization Addressing People and Earth (AGAPE) process, which concluded with the AGAPE Call presented at the WCC 9th Assembly in Porto Alegre in 2006, the WCC initiated a programme focused on eradicating poverty, challenging wealth accumulation and safeguarding ecological integrity based on the understanding that Poverty, Wealth and Ecology are integrally related. The AGAPE Call to Action is the result of a six-year process of consultations and regional studies.

WCC Programmes

Bangalore Appeal

Participants of the WCC Workshop on “Transformative Masculinities”, coming from six Asian countries and four others, representing 23 denominations, met at United Theological College, Bangalore, on 17-21 March 2012, to discuss, deliberate and share experiences on men’s and women’s struggles in relation with masculinity constructed by the notions of hegemonic power.

WCC Programmes

Ecumenical Covenant on Theological Education

This public statement was formulated b y the ETE Accompaniment Group during its meeting in Bossey Ecumenical Institute 14-17 March 2012. It is recommended to the WCC Central Committee of WCC in August 2012 to be received and recommended for dialogue and study to WCC member churches and their dialogue with regional associations of theological schools in the process leading to the assembly in Busan. The statement aims at highlighting the strategic significance of ecumenical formation and theological education for the future of the ecumenical movement and reminding the churches of their responsibilities in the context of emerging challenges for the 21st century.

WCC Programmes

Pacto ecuménico sobre formación teológica

La siguiente declaración fue formulada por el Grupo de Acompañamiento para la FTE durante su reunión en el Instituto Ecuménico de Bossey, celebrada del 14 al 17 de marzo de 2012. El Grupo recomendó al Comité Central del CMI, reunido en agosto de 2012, que recibiera la declaración y la recomendara para diálogo y estudio a las iglesias miembros del CMI, y a fin de que contribuya a su diálogo con las asociaciones regionales de escuelas de teología durante el proceso conducente a la Asamblea en Busán. La Declaración tiene como objetivo poner de relieve la importancia estratégica de la formación ecuménica y la formación teológica para el futuro del movimiento ecuménico, y recordar a las iglesias sus responsabilidades en el contexto de los nuevos desafíos del siglo XXI.

WCC Programmes

Statement on the need for a strong and effective arms trade treaty

The WCC affirms an arms trade treaty as a legal instrument that has three complementary tasks. It must prevent arms transfers to states where the government poses a threat to its own people or to other states. It must improve trade controls so that, where there is a high risk of re-export or diversion to organized criminals or armed groups, arms smuggling and black market sales are reduced or stopped. The ATT must also serve to protect communities and save lives.

Executive committee

Declaración sobre la necesidad de un tratado firme y eficaz sobre el comercio de armas

El Consejo Mundial de Iglesias afirma que un tratado sobre el comercio de armas constituye un instrumento jurídico que tiene tres tareas complementarias. Debe evitar las transferencias de armas a Estados en los que el Gobierno supone una amenaza para su propia población o para otros Estados. Debe mejorar los controles del comercio de forma que cuando haya un alto riesgo de reexportación o de desvío hacia bandas criminales organizadas o grupos armados, se reduzca o ponga fin al contrabando de armas y a las ventas en el mercado negro. El TCA también debe servir para proteger a las comunidades y salvar vidas.

Executive committee