Displaying 161 - 180 of 664

Jessica Roland: “Believe them when they come to you”

Our series of interviews with Thursdays in Black ambassadors highlights those who are playing a vital role in increasing the impact of our collective call for a world without rape and violence. Jessica Roland, is senior specialist for Inclusive Peace for the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers.

Prof. Rev. Dr Simone Sinn prays that Bossey students “share the treasure of transformative experience”

Prof. Rev. Dr Simone Sinn began serving as academic dean at the Bossey Ecumenical Institute in August. Prior to that, Dr Sinn served as vice dean and professor of Ecumenical Theology. Below, Dr Sinn shares reflections on the new role, on hopes for students and on how the Bossey Ecumenical Institute will remain a bridge builder amid the world’s serious challenges today.

Bossey students reflect on the question: “Is racism a faith question?”


Dies Academicus,” is a special annual gathering at the World Council of Churches (WCC) Bossey Ecumenical institute. This academic years installment took place on 4 November. The current cohort of  33 students from 20 countries listened to a panel of four speakers who shared reflections  on the theme, Is racism a faith question?” The panel reaffirmed the WCC 4th Assembly held in Uppsala, which declared racism as sin.

Groundbreaking global conference opens gates to a Pan-Africanism for all and with all to finally defeat scourge of racism

Over 23-29 October, a Global Conference of Africa and Africans in the Diaspora (AAD) revisited the historical 1945 Manchester Pan-African Conference and critically reviewed progress made since then. Speakers and participants also worked to determine and develop effective global strategies to radically change the lot of Africans and people of African descent globally—and thereby defeat the scourge of racism in the world.

Thursdays in Black Bible Studies Series 1

Listening, Learning and Responding to the Word of God

Led by Thursdays in Black Ambassadors – leaders in their communities committed to being visible and outspoken against such violence – a series of Bible studies are being prepared for individual and congregational reflection on sexual and gender-based violence. Such reflection will help us listen to the word of God and apply our faith and vision of justice, peace, and love in our contexts today. This first series of reflections address critical topics in our societies and Christian communities that contribute to or respond to gender-based violence and provide diverse perspectives from our wide ecumenical fellowship.

A core group of Thursdays in Black Ambassadors oversaw this Bible study series: Anders Göranzon, Claudia Bandixen, and Karen Georgia Thompson.