Displaying 101 - 120 of 241

Religious leaders keep vision of peace alive on Korean Peninsula

Even as international tension mounts, religious leaders from North and South Korea renewed their exchange during a December meeting that kept the push for peace alive. Members of the Steering Committee of the Ecumenical Forum for Peace, Reunification and Cooperation on the Korean Peninsula – including delegations from the Korean Christian Federation (KCF) of North Korea and of the National Council of Churches in South Korea (NCCK) – met in Shenyang, China, on 2-3 December 2019.

La pregunta del Rev. Tveit en la República de Corea: “¿Nos lleva a alguna parte el amor de Cristo por el bien común de todas las personas y de este mundo?”

Durante el discurso de apertura de la 68ª Asamblea General del Consejo Nacional de Iglesias de Corea en Seúl, el secretario general del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias, el Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, meditó sobre el tema de la asamblea, “Recorre el camino del nuevo mandamiento”, basado en el relato de San Juan de la última cena de Jesús con sus discípulos.

Pilgrim Team visits Philippines, amplifies call for human rights

Fourteen church leaders and activists from Canada, India, Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States, embarked on a Pilgrim Team Visit to the Philippines from 9-13 August. They listened, learned and bore witness to the escalating human rights crisis in the country. The visit was convened by the World Council of Churches in partnership with the National Council of Churches in the Philippines.

A passionate Korean feminist and ecumenist

At the most glorious moment in her career, Rev. Prof. Dr Sang Chang discovered that society is not always friendly and that politics can be devilish. But thanks to God, she got over it. Without bitterness and even more determined in her fight for gender equality and social justice.

Una apasionada feminista y ecumenista coreana

En el momento más glorioso de su carrera, la Rev. Dra. Sang Chang descubrió que la sociedad no siempre es amiga y que la política puede ser diabólica. Pero gracias a Dios, superó aquel trance; sin amargura y aún más decidida a luchar por la igualdad de género y la justicia social.

Young peoples movement strengthens influence

After three intense days with deep discussions and productive sessions, the bi-annual meeting of the World Council of Churches (WCC) ECHOS Commission came to an end on Thursday. Fourteen young committee members and staff from 20 different countries all over the world had gathered in Seoul, Korea to further strengthen the WCC young peoples movement and continue the pilgrimage of justice and peace.

분단의 땅에서 희망의 여정을 걷다

세계교회협의회(WCC)의 회원 교회와 협력 단체 소속의 국내외 기독 청년 80여명은 지난 토요일 1953년 정전협정 이래 한반도 분단의 상징이 된 비무장지대(DMZ)를 방문하며 한국에서 진행된 ‘정의와 평화 순례’를 이어나갔다.

Un viaje a través de la división y la esperanza

Más de ochenta jóvenes de iglesias miembros y asociados del CMI de todo el mundo prosiguieron su peregrinación coreana de justicia y paz el sábado, en la zona desmilitarizada que ha dividido la península coreana desde 1953.