Displaying 81 - 100 of 189

Roundtable for Peace on the Korean Peninsula convenes in Atlanta

A Roundtable for Peace on the Korean Peninsula convened in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) on 8-12 November, building on decades of progress by the Korean Methodist Church, United Methodist Church, and World Methodist Council, as well the Korean Christian Federation and the World Council of Churches (WCC).

Racial justice issues at forefront in meetings with UN experts

The Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA) of the World Council of Churches (WCC) organized a series of meetings between church leaders from North America and United Nations experts on racial justice issues in New York City on 29-31 October.

Yet another sad anniversary for Christians in war-torn Syria

Last week the 2,000-day mark since the abduction of two Syrian archbishops was passed. Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim and Greek Orthodox Archbishop Paul Yazigi haven’t been heard from since gunmen kidnapped them outside Aleppo in April 2013, almost five and a half years ago.

WCC mourns passing of Metropolitan Anba Bishoy of Damietta

The World Council of Churches is mourning the passing of Metropolitan Bishoy of Damietta, Kafr El-Sheikh, Barary, and the Monastery of Saint Demiana of the Coptic Orthodox Church. One of the senior and most influential Coptic Orthodox Prelates of the modern era, he has made extensive contributions in the areas of Pan-Orthodox unity, dialogue and ecumenism. He was a close colleague of the late Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria.

ÖRK und Ortskirchen zeigen sich tief besorgt über das Gesetz zum jüdischen Nationalstaat

Kirchenoberhäupter in Israel und in den besetzten palästinensischen Gebieten haben mit Bestürzung und Sorge auf die Verabschiedung eines neuen Gesetzes am 19. Juli in der israelischen Knesset reagiert, wonach Israel der Nationalstaat des jüdischen Volkes ist. Das bedeutet, dass „das Recht zur Ausübung nationaler Selbstbestimmung im Staate Israel ausschließlich dem jüdischen Volk vorbehalten ist.“

WCC and local churches express deep concern about Jewish Nation-State Law

Heads of churches in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories have reacted with dismay and concern to the Israeli Knesset’s adoption on 19 July 2018 of a new Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People, which specifies that “The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.”

Churches express solidarity with indigenous peoples at UN Permanent Forum

From 16-27 April, the United Nations headquarters in New York City is hosting the 17th Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The World Council of Churches (WCC) is assisting the participation of a representative of the Ecumenical Indigenous Peoples Network Reference Group (EIPNRG) and co-sponsored a public event that explored ways that the church can move into a new phase of interaction with indigenous communities.

Religious organizations speak up on refugee crisis at UN event

On 22 January, the World Council of Churches, together with the ACT Alliance, General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and Responsibility to Protect, and the UN Inter-Agency Task Force with Faith Based Organizations, co-organized the Fourth Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) in International Affairs with the theme “Perspectives on migration: displacement and marginalization, inclusion and justice”.

ÖRK ruft zum Schutz des Amazonas auf

„Der Amazonas, die grüne Lunge der Erde, ist in Trauer, und das von ihm erhaltene Leben verdorrt“ – so beginnt eine vom Exekutivausschuss des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen auf seiner Tagung in Amman abgegebene Erklärung.

Protect the Amazon, urges WCC statement

“The Amazon, the green heart of the Earth, is mourning and the life it sustains is withering,” begins a statement released by the World Council of Churches Executive Committee as it met in Amman, Jordan from 17-23 November.

WCC appoints new representative to the UN

Douglas Leonard, from the Reformed Church in America (RCA), was announced as the new coordinator of the Ecumenical United Nations Office (EUNO), a joint working space of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and ACT Alliance, in New York.

We Mourn This Terrible Act: a joint statement by the WCC and the NCCUSA

The World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA grieve with the families of those who lost their lives in the mass shooting that took place in Las Vegas, Nevada, on the night of October 1, 2017. We pray for those whose lives have been shattered by this senseless act and lift up those who will be recovering years to come.