Displaying 661 - 680 of 796

Une commission indépendante préconise un système fiscal mondial juste et équitable

Une commission indépendante sur la réforme de l’impôt international, créée à l’initiative d’un groupement d’organisations dont fait partie le Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE), appelle à une refonte du système fiscal international afin de réduire la pauvreté dans les pays en développement, notamment en République démocratique du Congo (RDC).

US university health students learn from yearly WCC visit

Students who visit the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva are often from theological or similarly Bible-related sections of educational institutions, but not always. This year a group of secular students from a state university in the United States arrived at the WCC to tap into work related to its health and healing programme.

Independent commission to reform corporate taxation system

A coalition of civil society and labour groups has launched an Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation in response to rising inequality and mounting public anger over corporate tax cheats. Among the organizations responsible for the establishment of the Commission is the WCC.

Central Committee listens to perspectives on economic justice

The chasm between the haves and have-nots is increasing around the world. And churches need to do more to ensure economic justice for communities. This perspective underlined the discussions at a plenary held during the WCC Central Committee meeting on 5 July in Geneva, Switzerland.

Le Comité central consacre une séance aux questions de justice économique

Le gouffre qui sépare les nantis des démunis ne cesse de se creuser partout dans le monde et les Églises doivent en faire davantage pour assurer la justice économique à toutes et à tous. Ce constat a servi de base aux discussions d’une plénière qui s’est tenue le 5 juillet lors de la session du Comité central du COE à Genève.

Ecumenical panel promotes economic justice

The Ecumenical Panel on a New International Financial and Economic Architecture has concluded its second meeting in Switzerland, developing advocacy strategies for churches to ensure economic justice and the ecological wellbeing of the communities they serve.