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Argentinien: „Interreligiöse Solidarität im Dienst einer verwundeten Welt“ ist hoffnungsfroher Aufruf zu Zusammenarbeit

Prof. Dr. h.c. Humberto Martin Shikiya, Vizepräsident des regionalen ökumenischen Zentrums für Beratung und Dienstleistungen (CREAS) in Argentinen, berichtet im folgenden Interview, dass die Publikation „Interreligiöse Solidarität im Dienst einer verwundeten Welt: Ein christlicher Aufruf zum Nachdenken und Handeln während der Corona-Krise und darüber hinaus“ als ein hoffnungsfroher Aufruf zu ökumenischer und interreligiöser Zusammenarbeit wahrgenommen wird. Die gemeinsam vom Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) und dem Päpstlichen Rat für den interreligiösen Dialog veröffentlichte Publikation soll Kirchen und christliche Organisationen ermutigen, sich Gedanken darüber zu machen, wie wichtig interreligiöse Solidarität in der von der COVID-19-Pandemie verwundeten Welt ist.

In Argentina, “Serving a Wounded World” is a hopeful call to collaborate

Prof. Dr h.c. Humberto Martin Shikiya, vice president of the Regional Ecumenical Advisory and Service Center (CREAS) In Argentina, reflects on how Serving a Wounded World in Interreligious Solidarity: A Christian Call to Reflection and Action During COVID-19 and Beyond” is being received as a hopeful call to collaborate ecumenically and interreligiously. The World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue jointly published Serving a Wounded World” to encourage churches and Christian organizations to reflect on the importance of interreligious solidarity in a world wounded by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Arctic communities to WCC pilgrims: “We need your voice”

Lorraine Netro, who was raised in the Gwichin First Nation of Old Crow, Yukon (Canada), is part of an indigenous community—but shes also a global citizen.

Todays Arctic peoples are important members of global society,” Netro said. The survival of Arctic cultures and communities remains tied to the wildlife and landscape of the Arctic Refuge.”

As repeat hurricanes threaten, churches offer vital services in Nicaragua, Honduras

Two weeks after Hurricane Eta struck, Nicaragua and Honduras are now bracing for another massive storm, Hurricane Iota. Eta killed at least 120 people in flash floods and mudslides. By 15 November, ahead of Iota’s landfall, some 63,500 people had been evacuated in northern Honduras, and 1,500 people in Nicaragua had been moved from low-lying areas of the country's northeast. Carlos Rauda, a regional officer with ACT Alliance, offers a glimpse of this unfolding situation, and the important role of churches.

For International Orthodox Christian Charities, global partners build “information sharing, collaboration, and funding”

The World Council of Churches is publishing a series of interviews that portray insights and reflections from the leaders of faith-based global and regional humanitarian and development organizations. Constantine Triantafilou is executive director and CEO of International Orthodox Christian Charities, which offers emergency relief and development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination, and strengthens the capacity of the Orthodox Church to so respond.

Food and Finance

Toward Life-Enhancing Agriculture

The growing effects of global finance—both financial and philanthropic—on the sustainability of agriculture are explored in the new World Council of Churches publication “Food and Finance: Toward Life-Enhancing Agriculture,” developed together with "Bread for all" and edited by Athena Peralta.

Economy of Life

Linking Poverty, Wealth and Ecology

“An economy of life is not only possible, it is in the making, and justice lies at its foundation.” — PWE Call for Action The enormous economic changes of recent years have highlighted problematic aspects and disturbing trends in our prevailing economic system. It will never be able to eradicate poverty nor safeguard God’s wondrous creation.

This slim volume chronicles the important work that the World Council of Churches has undertaken to understand the crucial connections between poverty, wealth and ecology. It also proposes ways to bring about a just, participatory and sustainable economic system, in which all human beings, other living creatures and our planetary home are cared for. Written for churches and the ecumenical family, it is designed to enable them to address these critical issues in their life and work as an imperative of faith.