Geneva, 12 September 2023
Your Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine,
Your Excellency Dr Ramzy Khoury, head of the Higher Presidential Committee of Churches in Palestine,
Your Excellency Amb. Ibrahim Khraishi, Permanent Observer of the state of Palestine to the UN- Switzerland.
Your Eminences, excellences, esteemed guests, ladies and gentlemen,
It is my honor to welcome you today to the Ecumenical Center that is hosting this important exhibition on the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. It is also my hope that you will not only visit Bethlehem as a historic city through this exhibition, but that you will experience Bethlehem as a universal message of hope.
We are here to celebrate the results of a fruitful collaboration and joint efforts with our distinguished partners and friends from Palestine. We are also here to celebrate the continuous presence and witness of our churches in the Holy Land. Moreover, we are here to celebrate Bethlehem, the city of peace.
Bethlehem calls us to justice while its people suffer division and disparities. The very streets that witnessed the footsteps of prophets and kings, now echo the cries for justice and self-determination. The walls of the city, and of the church of the Nativity, tell tales of resistance, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to a just cause. The message of love, compassion, and peace, brought to us by the birth of Jesus, transcend borders and religions and remind us to stand firm in our commitment for Justice and Peace to all in the Holy Land. The Church of the Nativity itself is a testament to the enduring power of faith as it witnessed centuries of prayers s for peace.
Bethlehem calls us to Hope. Despite the checkpoints, barriers, and ongoing conflicts, Bethlehem carries the light of the star guiding the way for the wise men. It reminds us every day that even in the darkest of times, there is a guiding light, a source of hope that leads us towards a brighter future. For many, Bethlehem's very existence—its ability to survive, thrive, and remain relevant—is a symbol of hope not just for the Palestinians, but for the entire world.
Bethlehem calls us to reconciliation and unity of the world, a message the Church of the Nativity proclaims to the world. Yet it is sad to see that in the Holy Land we are faced with brokenness, pain, suffering and disunity. This exhibition reminds us of peace and reconciliation and calls us to continue the work for just peace, unity and reconciliation not only in Palestine but throughout the whole world.
In conclusion, Bethlehem and the Church of the Nativity stand as beacons of hope, not just for Christians, but for all humanity. They remind us that, no matter where we come from, our shared aspiration for peace and justice unites us. Let us draw inspiration from this sacred place to work tirelessly for a world where these ideals become a reality for everyone.
It is our joy to host this Exhibition and we look forward to tell your story to the world around us and beyond.
Thank you
Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay
General Secretary
World Council of Churches