Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson
Stated Clerk
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Geneva, 11 April 2023
Dear Rev. Dr. Nelson,
I write to you to offer condolences from our fellowship on the shooting not far from your offices in Louisville, KY. Together we grieve the loss of life and pray for the healing of those injured. Our 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany reminded us, “We understand that making peace involves addressing racism, xenophobia, antisemitism, hate speech and other forms of hatred of the other (all of which have increased and intensified during these years, in large part encouraged by populist nationalist movements); crisis and competition for essential resources for life; economic injustice and inequality in the marketplace; interstate conflicts and re-emergence of war; and the raising of the spectre of nuclear war.”
We regret that mass shootings continue to plague the United States of America and recognise the voices of our member churches in fighting this attack on God’s creation. In this time, we are reminded of our call to love our neighbor and recognize the sanctity of life. We pray for the people of Louisville, KY, the staff at the PC (USA) and for all those harmed by gun violence in the United States. May you be strengthened by our fellowship and may violence everywhere cease.
In condolence,
Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay
General Secretary
World Council of Churches