Geneva 28 December 2022
Your Beatitude,
With deep gratitude to the Triune God and with great joy we received the good news of your election as the Archbishop of New Justiniana and All Cyprus.
We congratulate the Holy Synod for your election as the Archbishop of New Justiniana and All Cyprus and we join the faithful of your Church in their joy of having a new Archbishop and spiritual Father. The election of Your Beatitude is an encouragement for the entire Orthodox family and beyond.
Your work for reconciliation among Christians and your contribution to the reunification of Cyprus over the past years is a source of inspiration and builds now on the legacy of your worthy predecessor, late Archbishop Chrysostomos II, who promoted a culture of peace among peoples and nations. We pray God to strengthen you, to guide you, and to accompany you in your new ministry.
We are fully aware that in these particularly difficult and challenging times locally and globally, your leadership, your spiritual support and your wise counsel as well as your discernment and your guidance are much needed and will be deeply valued by the faithful of the Church of Cyprus, and also by all people of good will in your country, and in the world as a whole.
Our times are marked by major challenges and present a degree of complexity that makes it vital to commonly express our Christian heritage and our Christian calling in order to make visible Christ’s reconciling, healing and loving presence.
We are sure that the long and rich Orthodox theological, spiritual, ecumenical and pastoral tradition will guide your ministry and mission.
The World Council of Churches recalls with gratitude the active participation of your Church in the ecumenical movement. We are certain that under your ministry, the Church of Cyprus will continue to strengthen the faithful contribution to the life and work of this fellowship of 352 churches.
May your episcopal gift for welcoming young generations in the life of the Church and for working towards the rehabilitation of those suffering from different addictions become exemplary to our fellowship of churches so that Christian youth be of one mind and feel the presence of Christ’s love in all their activities.
On behalf of the entire fellowship of the World Council of Churches, please accept my warmest congratulations, my wishes of many blessed years in the service of the faithful people of Cyprus, and the assurance of prayers for the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ in the life of the entire Church of Cyprus.
With filial respect
Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca
Acting General Secretary
World Council of Churches