Geneva, 13 November 2009
Dear Lois,
I feel compelled to add my voice, and the congratulations of all your friends and colleagues at the World Council of Churches, to the many accolades and expressions of encouragement that are coming your way following the presentation of the J. Irwin Miller Award to you at the General Assembly of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. You truly deserve this recognition, along with the heartfelt thanks of the ecumenical movement for your leadership through the years.
We in the World Council of Churches are familiar with the outstanding service you render the one Church of Jesus Christ, the personal courage and commitment that you dedicate to the cause of Christian unity, mission, justice and peace. We are especially grateful for the excellence you demonstrate in your continuing role on our WCC Central Committee. Your wisdom and experience contribute richly to our life together. And, as a fellow Methodist, I must confess to a certain partisan pride in your accomplishments!
May God continue to bless you in your ministry, and inspire us all to thanksgiving and the re-dedication of our lives.
In love and fellowship,
Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia
WCC general secretary