Marianne Ejdersten, WCC director of Communication, said she was delighted to be part of the re-launch event for the new site. “We give thanks that, through this platform, the collective voice of all the 24 dioceses will resonate around the world,” she said, adding a prayer that God may “unite us in our work and witness so that this website will be a source of light where darkness dwells.”
Ivars Kupcis, WCC website editor, offered collegial greetings to the Church of South India communicators who have been working to develop the website.
The WCC developed its new website in October 2020. “We know very well what it takes to do that—your time and effort, energy and creativity, seeing the big strategic picture and at the same time paying necessary attention to all the details,” he said. “Besides coming up with the great concept and going through all development stages, it is even more important to work on the content for the website, especially for such large and multi-dimensional organisations as ours.”
The new Church of South India Synod website was developed under the concept “One Church; One Web.” The history of the church, the vision, and the mission are narrated on the new website, and visitors also can receive the latest news and events from synodical departments and dioceses.
Photos and contact details of synod officers, directors and staff are also available, as are worship resources, press releases and statements.
“This website breaks the boundaries of the geographical areas and acts as a bridge to the organisations and agencies, which carry the Christian mission and vision,” described Rev. Sunil Raj Philip, director of the Department of Communications, Church of South India Synod.