The World Council of Churches (WCC) Executive Committee will meet online on 1-3 June, while the WCC Central Committee meeting has been postponed until June 2021.
In a letter to the WCC Executive Committee, WCC moderator Dr Agnes Abuom wrote: "The executive committee members participated in an electronic vote (WCC Rule Article XVIII.8) in April and May and have decided to further postpone the meeting of the WCC central committee until the first part of 2021 given the current situation in Switzerland and around the world related to COVID-19, with dates to be decided at a later time. At its meeting on Friday, 8 May, the leadership of the central committee agreed to hold the central committee meeting 23-29 June 2021 (arrivals of CC 22 June, departures 30 June). The executive committee would have its meeting on 21-22 June (arrivals 20 June)."
WCC acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca has been sending monthly accountability reports to the WCC Central and Executive Committees to share information on the WCC’s focus and adjustment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Even as staff remains offsite, and despite cancellation of some meetings and consultations, the important planned activities of WCC programmes and urgent responses to the pandemic situation have gone forward in April," he wrote.
WCC invites all member churches to observe a day of prayer (WCC press release of 7 May 2020)
WCC landing page: Coping with the Coronavirus