An exclusive offer for you! EKD, CEC and WCC invite you to Wittenberg and Berlin Preview visit to the Reformation anniversary sites with a limited number of participants. Take a look behind the scenes at preparations for this great historical event - the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Retrace the footsteps of Martin Luther.
Meet the top church and political planners of the Reformation anniversary. Don't hesitate - apply today to [email protected]
Dear colleagues,
2017 will feature the 500th anniversary of the Martin Luther’s legendary posting of his 95 theses in Wittenberg. Today over 400 million Protestants worldwide can trace their origins back to the Reformation events of those times. Christians have repeatedly engaged in enthusiastic discipleship in their own day and age – both before 1517 and in our day. They have sought God’s will in their churches and set off movements of reformation. Consequently, in 2017 European host countries will welcome the gathering of a family with offshoots all over the world. Churches in Germany are especially looking forward to this opportunity to mark the quincentenary of the Reformation in a broad context of ecumenical and international connections.
We wish to invite you to an international Media Workshop on 12 and 13 October in Berlin and Wittenberg. Held in English, it will be sponsored by the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Conference of European Churches (CEC). Cooperation partners are the Lutheran World Federation and the World Communion of Reformed Churches. The EKD, WCC and CEC would like to brief you on the state of preparations for the 2017 Reformation anniversary in Europe and Germany. Besides meeting Protestant church leaders, you will receive exclusive insights into the planning for 2017 and a preview of the most important venues for the Reformation anniversary events in Berlin und Wittenberg.
In order to plan the media workshop on 12-13 October in Berlin and Wittenberg we need to receive your expressions of interest very soon, as the number of participants is restricted to 30. Accommodation, meals and local transport will be provided. Participants must, however, cover the cost of their round trip to Germany.
Brussels, Geneva, Hanover, 1 September 2016
Petra Bosse-Hube, Olav Fykse Tveit, Heikki Huttunen
E-Mail: [email protected]