The collection, entitled “Towards Justice and the Future,” explores how we envision living together as society and in our churches in the year 2040—and what consequences this would have for our life and work at present.
The booklet offers a variety of materials meant to stimulate and inspire contemplation and discussion on building bridges into the future. The focus is on sermons and meditations on Christian hope. Aside from contributions from German authors, there are many voices from the ecumenical world: authors from the UK, El Salvador, Papua New Guinea, India and Tanzania have contributed.
The Centre for Global Ministries and Ecumenical Relations will also host a digital table fellowship on 12 March during which people can share their visions of a life with justice and dignity for all.
World Council of Churches moderator Dr Agnes Abuom expressed appreciation for churches that work toward justice and toward meeting the needs of the people. “We encounter cultures that defend dehumanization and inferiority of other human beings as being less human; we need concerted efforts of standing in solidarity with one another to overcome such atrocious injustices,” she said. “It is about justice for all and all for justice.”