L1: Creator God, God of the oceans,
God of the land and all that is within it: You created this world with the power of your word.
You formed humankind with your own hands, and breathed your own breath into us.
You gave us these lands as a gift– a source of our identity and sustenance.
you empowered us to be the stewards of what you have made.

L2: Loving God,
we have failed you and abused the gift you have given us.
We have offended you and defiled what you have made.
Forgive us for betraying your trust.
Forgive us for our greed and arrogance.
Forgive us for what we have done to your earth.
Forgive us for what we have done to your oceans.
Forgive us for what we have done to your creatures,
on the land, in the sky and in the depths.

L1: Hear, O God of Compassion:
The cries of the land have become a desert; land laid barren through corrupt
agricultural practices, pollution, mining and deforestation.
The cries of islands are drowning in the rising seas, 
oceans that rise with the melting of the ice.
The cries of distress from Mother Earth- storm and drought.

L2: God of Life,
heal your wounded earth. Empower us to choose the road that leads to life.
Guide us in the paths of righteousness for your name’s sake
So that we may experience once again your Shalom in the land and in the sea.
This we ask in the name of the one who came that we way have life in
abundance, your Son, our Saviour Jesus the Christ.

C: Amen.

(©2012 Rev. James Bhagwan, Fiji)