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Le COE, la Ligue islamique mondiale et la Foundation Dialogue for Peace réunis à l’Institut œcuménique de Bossey

Le secrétaire général intérimaire du Conseil oecuménique des Églises, le père prof. Ioan Sauca, s’est entretenu avec Mohammad Bin Abulkarim Al-Issa, secrétaire général de la Ligue islamique mondiale basée à La Mecque, et Aamir Javed Sheikh, responsable de la Foundation Dialogue for Peace basée en Norvège, à l’Institut œcuménique de Bossey le 31 août dernier.

Churches on the move amidst changing landscapes

The pre-assembly event of the WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism saw churches' renewed commitment and different approaches to mission and evangelism in a context of rapid change in society, politics and church.

CWME invokes new understanding of mission and evangelism

Since 1982 there has been only one official statement of the World Council of Churches (WCC) on mission and evangelism. Now in 2012 the WCC's Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) is preparing another statement to invoke new understanding of mission and evangelism amidst changing world and ecclesial scenarios.

September 2005

<span style="font-weight: bold; "» How do we share copyrighted worship resources?