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Subsídios para a Semana de Oração pela Unidade dos Cristãos 2015

Jesus lhe disse: Dá-me de beber! (João 4,7) O gesto bíblico de oferecer água a quem chega, como forma de acolhida e partilha, é algo que se repete em todas as regiões do Brasil. O estudo e a meditação propostos neste texto para a Semana de Oração têm o objetivo de ajudar as pessoas e comunidades a perceber a dimensão dialogal do projeto de Jesus, que chamamos de Reino de Deus.

Commission on Faith and Order

Summary of the Ninth Report

This document offers a summary of the Ninth report from the Joint Working Group between the Roman Catholic Church and the WCC, which relates the focus and work of the group from 2007 through 2012. As the group approaches its fiftieth year, its recent foci include in-depth work on the notion of ecclesial reception of ecumenical work, the spiritual roots of ecumenism, church participation of youth, and emerging work on migration.

Joint Working Group

Ninth report of the Joint Working Group

This report outlines the activities of the JWG during 2007-2012 and includes the two study documents and reflections on the role of youth. The JWG members offer these texts to the parent bodies, i.e. the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) and the World Council of Churches (WCC), and hope that they will be received by churches and Christians around the world, inspiring them in their own ecumenical journey.

Joint Working Group

2013 Semana de Oração pela Unidade dos Cristãos

Como parte do reconhecimento do seu centenário, o Movimento de Estudantes Cristãos da Índia (SCMI – Student Christian Movement of Índia) foi convidado a preparar o material para a Semana de Oração pela Unidade dos Cristãos em 2013 e eles envolveram nessa tarefa a Federação da Universidade Católica de Toda a Índia e o Conselho Nacional de Igrejas na Índia. No processo de preparação, enquanto se refletia sobre o significado da Semana de Oração, ficou decidido que, num contexto de grande injustiça em relação aos dalits (párias) na Índia e na Igreja, a busca pela unidade visível não pode estar dissociada do desmantelamento do sistema de castas e do apelo às contribuições para a unidade dos mais pobres entre os pobres.

Commission on Faith and Order

2009 Worship and background material

Jointly prepared and published by the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches.

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2009 is rooted in the experience of the churches in Korea. In their context of national division the churches have turned for inspiration to the prophet Ezekiel, who also lived in a tragically divided nation and longed for the unity of his people.

Commission on Faith and Order

Textos para a Semana de Oração pela Unidade dos Cristãos e para todo o ano 2008

A passagem bíblica escolhida para a celebração do centésimo aniversário da Semana de Oração pela Unidade dos Cristãos é extraída da 1ª Carta aos Tessalonicenses. A celebração proposta nos lembra a convicção religiosa americana, profundamente enraizada no poder da oração.

This year's theme for the week of prayer was chosen in the USA. The initial draft of material represents the working relationship between the Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute, the NCCCUSA, the USCCB and the Interchurch Center in their annual efforts in the United States to promote the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. All those involved have taken special note of the 100th anniversary of the Church Unity Octave first observed at Graymoor, in Garrison, New York, from 18-25 January 1908. The preparation of the theme and texts celebrate the history of 100 years of prayer while calling for a reinvigoration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, hence the theme, ‘Pray without ceasing'.

Commission on Faith and Order

Final report of the Special Commission on Orthodox Participation in the WCC

"Final report of the Special Commission on Orthodox participation in the WCC" : The 60-member Special Commission was created by the WCC's eighth assembly in 1998 in response to mainly Orthodox concerns about participation in the Council. Composed of an equal number of representatives from Orthodox churches and from the other churches belonging to the WCC, the Commission submitted its final report to the central committee in September 2002.
