Displaying 321 - 340 of 497

Churches in Geneva pray together

Organized by the Fellowship of Christian Churches in Geneva (RECG), a prayer service was held during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on 23 January at the Ecumenical Centre chapel in Geneva, Switzerland.Â

Religious leaders in Geneva advocate for peace

In an inter-religious service organized by the Vatican, the World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit stressed the importance of "€œexpressions for peace and the mutual respect for the dignity of the other"€.

Orthodox churches reflect on WCC Assembly theme

Orthodox churches have reaffirmed their commitment to "unity, justice and peace" saying that the "supreme act of God`s love is the economy of salvation". This and other theological reflections were shared in an inter-Orthodox consultation in Kos, Greece this week.

2013 Semana de Oração pela Unidade dos Cristãos

Como parte do reconhecimento do seu centenário, o Movimento de Estudantes Cristãos da Índia (SCMI – Student Christian Movement of Índia) foi convidado a preparar o material para a Semana de Oração pela Unidade dos Cristãos em 2013 e eles envolveram nessa tarefa a Federação da Universidade Católica de Toda a Índia e o Conselho Nacional de Igrejas na Índia. No processo de preparação, enquanto se refletia sobre o significado da Semana de Oração, ficou decidido que, num contexto de grande injustiça em relação aos dalits (párias) na Índia e na Igreja, a busca pela unidade visível não pode estar dissociada do desmantelamento do sistema de castas e do apelo às contribuições para a unidade dos mais pobres entre os pobres.

Commission on Faith and Order

Churches pray for Christian unity

Despite all the divides and divisions, churches and congregations observed the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in the month of January, with a profound theme for this year, “We will all be changed by the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ” (cf. 1 Cor 15:51-58).

Durban outcome is not enough, says WCC

In a statement read on 9 December to government members from around the world at the United Nations climate summit in Durban, South Africa, the World Council of Churches (WCC) reaffirmed the need for a fair, ambitious and binding treaty to effectively address climate change effects on vulnerable communities.

Norwegian church leaders give thanks for mutual support

Fifteen leaders of dioceses and national church bodies in Norway, among them all 12 bishops of the Church of Norway, joined in common prayer on Wednesday morning 17 August at the Ecumenical Centre chapel in Geneva, Switzerland. They were joined in this act of worship by members of the Norwegian congregation in Geneva and staff of many church-related agencies including the ACT Alliance, Conference of European Churches, Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and World Council of Churches (WCC).

Week of Prayer 2012 asks what victory means for unity

As Poland prepares to host the European Football Championship in 2012, Christians in the country have put the meaning of "victory" and "defeat" at the centre of their reflections for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity that will be celebrated earlier in the year. Preparatory resources based on these reflections are already available in five languages on the website of the World Council of Churches ( WCC).