Displaying 81 - 100 of 216

World Methodist Conference, Theme: ONE

Ecumenical Dinner – Keynote Address by Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary, World Council of Churches
This day, Sept 1, has become a new moment in our ecumenical calendars in recent years as The Day of Creation. This year we have as World Council of Churches, together with the Ecumenical Patriarch and other ecumenical leaders and partners,issued a unique common ecumenical call to celebrate, to pray, and to care for God’s wonderful creation. This is a meaningful sign of our Christian unity, and offers me an entry to what I want to say about being One. To be One is about life, to be together; it is about finding new ways forward together; and it is about contributing to real hope.

General Secretary

Seven Weeks for Water 2015, week 3: " Pilgrimage of Water Justice: A Liturgical Celebration", by Rommel F. Linatoc

The third biblical reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2015 is by Rommel F. Linatoc, the Christian Conference of Asia representative to the International Reference Group of the Ecumenical Water Network of the WCC. He is currently the executive secretary for Christian Unity and Ecumenical Relations at the National Council of Churches in the Philippines. He highlights the importance of using water imagery in our liturgies to talk about justice. He also challenges us to not limit our liturgical celebrations to Sunday services but that they should become a part of our life.

WCC Programmes

Subsídios para a Semana de Oração pela Unidade dos Cristãos 2015

Jesus lhe disse: Dá-me de beber! (João 4,7) O gesto bíblico de oferecer água a quem chega, como forma de acolhida e partilha, é algo que se repete em todas as regiões do Brasil. O estudo e a meditação propostos neste texto para a Semana de Oração têm o objetivo de ajudar as pessoas e comunidades a perceber a dimensão dialogal do projeto de Jesus, que chamamos de Reino de Deus.

Commission on Faith and Order