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WCC General Recommendations for UN PFPAD Third Session (16-19 April 2024)

The World Council of Churches (WCC), a global fellowship of 352 churches representing more than half a billion Christians from around the world, has been deeply involved in the work of the United Nations from as early as 1946 through its Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA). The WCC is a platform for common action by churches on issues that negate or threaten the dignity of all people. 

WCC Programmes

Keynote address by Peter Prove, director of the WCC Commission of the Churches on International Affairs at the Peace Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia

"Peace Among the People – Interreligious Action for Peace and Inclusive Communities", keynote address by Peter Prove, director of the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, World Council of Churches, at the Peace Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, 21 November 2023.

Commission on International Affairs

ACT Alliance general secretary: “equity is not negotiable”

As the 78th session of the UN General Assembly and the first-ever Climate Action Summit were held in New York City in September, ACT Alliance general secretary Rudelmar Bueno de Faria reflected on the importance of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the ecumenical movement in creating a more sustainable and equitable world.

Seven Weeks for Water 2023, week 5: "Water: a gift of God, a public good and a human right. Should we privatize it?", by Rev. Dr. Donald Bruce Yeates

Originally published in 2020, the fifth reflection of the seven weeks for water 2023 of the WCC’s Ecumenical Water Network is by Rev. Dr. Donald Bruce Yeates, a minister of Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church of Suva, Fiji and a consultant chaplain at The University of the South Pacific. Bruce has been active in the Pacific since 1975 as an academic in social work, community development and social policy having served at the University of Papua New Guinea and The University of the South Pacific. In the following  reflection he underlines the importance of human right to water and the onslaught of privatisation in the backdrop of  world’s most famous bottled water which comes from his home country, the “Fiji waters”.

Historic First Session of the Permanent Forum for People of African Descent convenes, addresses Racism, Afrophobia and Reparatory Justice

An ecumenical delegation composed of five members from the National Baptist Convention USA Inc, United Methodist Church; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and United Church of Christ attended the first session of the Permanent Forum for People of African Descent, a historic event that constitutes the culmination of several years of consistent advocacy.

Pastorin Dr. Angelique Walker-Smith, ÖRK-Präsidentin für die Region Nordamerika: „Die Vollversammlung hat uns Motivation und ein Modell für den weiteren Weg gegeben"

Die 11. Vollversammlung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) wählte am 5. September acht neue Präsidentinnen und Präsidenten. Nachstehend reflektiert Pastorin Dr. Angelique Walker-Smith, ÖRK-Präsidentin für die Region Nordamerika, über die neue Rolle und eine Vision davon, wie die auf der Vollversammlung gewonnenen Erkenntnisse vorangebracht werden können.

Sept semaines pour l’eau 2022, semaine 2 : «Justice de l’eau vers la justice de genre», par Nicqi Ashwood

La deuxième réflexion des Sept semaines pour l’eau 2022 du Réseau œcuménique de l’eau du COE est écrite par Nicole Ashwood (Nicqi)*. Dans la réflexion suivante, qui a été écrite autour de la Journée internationale de la femme, l’auteure revient sur la manière dont les femmes dans l’histoire de l’Exode furent privées d’eau, et comment Moïse prit leur défense et leur apporta de l’eau, à elles et à leurs troupeaux. Elle souligne ensuite comment les pays développés d’Europe, dont la Suisse, réussissent à accéder à l’eau potable et comment cela affecte la santé, le bien-être et la dignité des personnes, en particulier des femmes, partout dans le monde.