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Remembering the WCC 11th Assembly: one year later

As the World Council of Churches (WCC) observes one year since the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany, many resources can help the global fellowship, friends, and partners take a reflective look back at a gathering that drew more than 4,500 people, including 659 official delegates from the WCCs 352 member churches.

Christ’s Love Moves the World to Reconciliation and Unity: Report of the WCC 11th Assembly

The Report of the WCC 11th Assembly is an important element of a wider collection of resources that offers a flavour of what took place at the assembly in Karlsruhe in 2022, which gathered more than 4500 people, including 659 official delegates from the WCC’s 352 member churches around the theme “Christ’s love moves the world to reconciliation and unity.”

This report includes an overview of the assembly, the message and unity statement, various reflections, an overview of the spiritual life of the assembly, reports of the work since the previous assembly, an overview of thematic plenaries and ecumenical conversations, reports of assembly committees, statements and minutes, messages from pre-assemblies, greetings to the assembly and various appendices.

Le COE propose des perspectives lors de la pré-Assemblée des jeunes du Conseil national des Églises en Inde

Le Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) a proposé des perspectives et participé au dialogue lors de la pré-Assemblée des jeunes du Conseil national des Églises en Inde, qui s’est déroulée du 17 au 19 avril à Hyderabad.

Organisée par le Centre indien pour la paix, la pré-Assemblée des jeunes s’est tenue sur le thème «L’heure est venue: l’heure pour les jeunes de construire un monde de paix et de durabilité».


Der ÖRK bringt sich an der Jugendkonferenz vor der Vollversammlung des Nationalen Kirchenrates Indiens ein

Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) beteiligte sich am Dialog bei der Jugendkonferenz vor der Vollversammlung des Nationalen Kirchenrates Indiens (National Council of Churches in India, NCCI), die 17.–19. April in Hyderabad stattfand.

Die Jugendkonferenz vor der Vollversammlung wurde vom India Peace Centre unter dem Motto „Die Zeit ist gekommen: Die Stunde der Jugend, eine friedliche und nachhaltige Welt aufzubauen“ organisiert.


El CMI aporta perspectivas en la preasamblea de jóvenes del Consejo Nacional de Iglesias de la India

El Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) aportó perspectivas y participó en el diálogo en la preasamblea de jóvenes del Consejo Nacional de Iglesias de la India (NCCI), celebrada del 17 al 19 de abril en Hyderabad.

La preasamblea de jóvenes, organizada por el Centro para la Paz de la India, se celebró bajo el tema “Ha llegado la hora: la hora de que la juventud construya un mundo de paz y sostenibilidad”.


WCC offers insights at Youth Pre-assembly for National Council of Churches in India

The World Council of Churches (WCC) offered insights and participated in dialogue at the Youth Pre-assembly for National Council of Churches in India (NCCI), held 17-19 April in Hyderabad.

Organized by the India Peace Centre, the Youth Pre-assembly was held under the theme “The Hour has Come: The hour of Youth Building a World of Peace and Sustainability.”