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WCC mourns death of former colleague

The World Council of Churches (WCC) was deeply grieved to learn of the sudden death of a former member of staff, Father Ion Bria, on 2 July 2002, in Geneva. In 1973, Bria took up the post of executive secretary for mission and relations with Orthodox churches within the WCC, and in 1987 became the director of the WCC Sub-unit for Renewal and Congregational Life. Shortly before his retirement in 1994, Father Ion took up the post of director of the Faith and Witness Unit.

On visit to WCC, Jackson emphasizes need to encourage hope for peace in the Middle East

The Rev. Dr Jesse Jackson, on a visit today to the Geneva offices of the World Council of Churches (WCC), met with WCC general secretary Konrad Raiser for an exchange of views about an interreligious initiative on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Jackson's proposed initiative hopes to mobilize religious leaders in advocating active non-violent approaches to peace, justice, and reconciliation in the region. To this effect, a visit of a delegation of Christian, Muslim and Jewish leaders to Palestine and Israel is being considered.

Teure Einheit

Dieser Text ist aus dem gemeinsam von Glauben und Kirchenverfassung und dem ÖRK-Team für Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Schöpfung durchgeführten Studienprogramm zu Ekklesiologie und Ethik hervorgegangen. Er, und die beiden im gleichen Zusammenhang entstandenen Texte "Costly Commitment" und "Costly Obedience" (nur auf englisch verfügbar) sind das Ergebnis von Tagungen in Rønde/Dänemark, Jerusalem/Israel und Johannesburg/Südafrika und beschäftigen sich mit der Berufung der Kirchen, in der heutigen Welt eine Gemeinschaft zu sein, die über ethische Fragen nachdenkt - und ethisch handelt.

Commission on Faith and Order