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Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 6: "Cured water, peaceable people: A reflection from Pasifika (Pacific)"

The sixth reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Rev. Dr Jione Havea from the Pacific region. Reflecting on the interesting story of the Bible where Moses turns the bitter water of Marah into drinkable water, with the help of God, Havea argues that drinkable water can bring peace while lack of water is a source of conflict. Then he encourages the readers to advocate for water justice. 

Seven Weeks for Water 2023, week 5: "Water: a gift of God, a public good and a human right. Should we privatize it?", by Rev. Dr. Donald Bruce Yeates

Originally published in 2020, the fifth reflection of the seven weeks for water 2023 of the WCC’s Ecumenical Water Network is by Rev. Dr. Donald Bruce Yeates, a minister of Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church of Suva, Fiji and a consultant chaplain at The University of the South Pacific. Bruce has been active in the Pacific since 1975 as an academic in social work, community development and social policy having served at the University of Papua New Guinea and The University of the South Pacific. In the following  reflection he underlines the importance of human right to water and the onslaught of privatisation in the backdrop of  world’s most famous bottled water which comes from his home country, the “Fiji waters”.

Seven Weeks for Water 2023, week 4: "Water - Gift and Source of Life", by Ivo Poletto

Originally published in 2018, the fourth Reflection of the “Seven Weeks for Water” 2023 series of World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical Water Network is by Ivo Poletto, a philosopher, theologian and social scientist from Brazil. He is also national advisor to the Climate Change and Social Justice Forum in Brazil. In the following reflection, he analyses the water cycle of Brazil, the “flying rivers” of the Amazon but also laments on fast depleting forests which are breaking the water cycle and making clouds as well as aquifers disappear.  He insists that water is one of the common goods that require special care, as there is no life without water.

Siete Semanas para el Agua 2023, semana 2: "El don de Dios del agua", Grace Ji-Sun Kim

Escrita originalmente en 2019, la segunda reflexión de las "Siete Semanas por el Agua 2023" de la Red Ecuménica del Agua del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias es de Grace Ji-Sun Kim, ministra ordenada de PC (EE. UU.). Recibió su doctorado de la Universidad de Toronto y trabaja como profesora de teología en la Escuela de Religión de Earlham. Es una escritora prolífica y autora o editora de 21 libros, incluido Hacer las paces con la Tierra. Kim es parte del grupo de trabajo del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias sobre el cambio climático. En esta reflexión, recuerda sus primeros días en Corea y cómo miraba el agua entonces y ahora, como teóloga ecofeminista. Ella reflexiona además sobre la promesa de Dios "Derramaré agua sobre la tierra sedienta, y arroyos sobre la tierra seca..." y la contrasta con el estilo de vida consumista de hoy, que está contaminando nuestros cuerpos de agua y negando a millones de disfrutar de este regalo que da vida. de Dios – ¡Agua!

Sieben Wochen im Zeichen des Wassers 2023, woche 2: "Wasser - eine Gabe Gottes", von Grace Ji-Sun Kim

Die zweite Betrachtung der Sieben Wochen im Zeichen des Wassers 2023 des Ökumenischen Wassernetzwerkes des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen wurde von Grace Ji-Sun Kim verfasst. Sie ist Pastorin der Presbyterianischen Kirche (USA). Kim promovierte an der University of Toronto und arbeitet als Theologie-Professorin an der Earlham School of Religion. Sie hat 21 Bücher verfasst bzw. herausgegeben, darunter auch Making Peace with the Earth. Kim gehört der Arbeitsgruppe des ÖRK zum Klimawandel an.

In dieser Betrachtung erinnert sie sich an ihre Kindheit in Korea und vergleicht ihre Einstellung zu Wasser damals und heute aus ihrer Perspektive als öko-feministische Theologin. Außerdem befasst sie sich mit Gottes Versprechen „Ich will Wasser gießen auf das Durstige und Ströme auf das Dürre“ und stellt es dem heutigen konsumorientierten Lebensstil gegenüber, der unsere Gewässer verschmutzt und Millionen Menschen die lebensspendende Gabe Gottes vorenthält – Wasser!

Seven Weeks for Water 2023, week 2: "God’s Gift of Water", by Grace Ji-Sun Kim

Originally written in 2019, the second reflection of the “Seven Weeks for Water 2023” of World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical Water Network is by Grace Ji-Sun Kim, an ordained minister of PC (USA). She received her PhD from the University of Toronto and works as a Professor of Theology at Earlham School of Religion. She is a prolific writer and the author or editor of 21 books including, Making Peace with the Earth. Kim is part of the World Council of Churches working group on climate change. In this reflection, she recollects her early days in Korea and how she looked at the water then and now, as an eco-feminist theologian. She further reflects on the promise of God "I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground…" and contrasts it with today's consumeristic lifestyle, which is polluting our water bodies and denying millions from enjoying this life-giving gift of God – Water!

Seven Weeks for Water 2022, week 4: “Water for peace: an interfaith perspective”, by Susanne Öhlmann

The fourth reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2022 of the WCC’s Ecumenical Water Network is written by Susanne Öhlmann.* She says water and peace are similar to each other. We do not miss them until they are absent. On one hand, Europe, a water rich continent, has started to feel the pinch of water shortages in recent times, and on the other, peace and security of the region has started to destabilize in the wake of war in Ukraine. Drawing inspiration from the prophet Amos, she prays for peace and justice to prevail.

Seven Weeks for Water 2021, week 3: "Water for creation: protecting water for the sacred C’iyaal, C’waam and Koptu", by Jesse Cruz Richards

The 3rd reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2021 of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Water Network is written by Jesse Cruz Richards.*  The following reflection draws inspiration from the restoration of the Israelites from Babylonian exile as promised by Ezekiel, and from hopes and prayers for the restoration of the Klamath Tribes and other indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest to their rivers, waters and fishes, namely the C’iyaal, C’waam and Koptu.