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Borders and Migrants

On 20 May 2022, a group of us, 14 pilgrims from different parts of the world (Kenya, Brussels, Germany, Hong Kong, Philippines, Poland, Rome, Korea, Canada, Fiji, Australia, London, Scotland, and Geneva—a very diverse group) gathered in Palermo, Italy for a Pilgrim Team Visit on the theme of migration. 

WCC digital archive now included in Globethics.net library

A collection of documents and publications from the World Council of Churches (WCC) is now available through its longstanding partner organization Globethics.net. The WCC collection, updated weekly, reflects a growing and longstanding electronic bridge between the organizations’ websites.

Bishop Helga - diaconal apostle

This year it is five hundred years since the Reformation. This has been commemorated throughout the year. A lot has happened in the world. The Reformation is ongoing in churches around the world. Discussions are constantly held about how a church should be today and how to reach out with the gospel. WCC News meets Bishop Helga Haugland Byfuglien this year, one of the most experienced and prominent women among Lutheran bishops in the world.

Hielke Wolters: Missionsstratege im Auftrag des Herrn

Pastor Dr. Hielke Wolters verlässt den ÖRK nach neun Jahren Dienst, die letzten sieben Jahre als beigeordneter Generalsekretär. Allerdings verlässt er keinesfalls die ökumenische Bewegung, der er sich seit seinen Studentenjahren zugehörig fühlt. Offiziell wechselt er in den Ruhestand, aber der Rentnerstatus steht nur auf dem Papier. Der Rückzug aus dem ÖRK ist auch mit einem Umzug in die Niederlande verbunden, aber bereits jetzt denkt Wolters über zahlreiche Ideen und Pläne nach, wie er der Kirche und der ökumenischen Bewegung insgesamt auch in Zukunft dienen kann. In einem Gespräch mit den ÖRK-Nachrichten erklärt der gut gelaunte Wolters: „Ich bin für alle Vorschläge offen, und ich weiß, dass Gott mir den richtigen Weg weisen wird, wenn die Zeit gekommen ist.“

Hielke Wolters: Apostle of mission strategies

Rev. Dr Hielke Wolters is leaving the WCC after serving for nine years - the last seven years as associate general secretary - but he is not leaving the ecumenical movement to which he has been dedicated since his student days. Officially is he going to retire, but only on the paper. He has many thoughts and plans to realize as he moves back to the Netherlands to serve, in one way or another, the church or the wider ecumenical movement. Wolters said to WCC News with a smile: “I’m open for any suggestion and I know that God will lead me in the right direction when that time comes.”

WCC commission leadership selected

At the Central Committee meeting of the WCC, leadership of the Council’s consultative bodies was announced. These bodies will steer through the work of the WCC in accomplishing the call from its 10th Assembly to engage in a “pilgrimage of justice and peace”. The WCC assembly was held in the Republic of Korea in 2013.

Churches commemorate Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity has been globally celebrated this year with prayers, reflections, ecumenical services and events focusing on Paul’s question in Corinthians 1 “Has Christ been divided?” a theme for this year’s prayer materials, prepared by the Canadian churches.

WCC joins a call to protect climate refugees

In order to build on its work for the protection of climate refugees, the WCC joins an innovative campaign “Postcards from the Frontlines” aiming to achieve urgently needed recognition and protection for climate refugees around the world.

Migrant communities learn about upcoming WCC assembly

At a recent event in Geneva, 120 members of migrant communities representing various local churches were given an orientation to the WCC assembly in Busan, Republic of Korea. The event featured reflections on justice and peace issues, especially in relation to migrant workers.