Displaying 1 - 11 of 11

AACC Assembly theme reflects the pilgrimage of justice and peace

“The pilgrimage of justice and peace is a commitment to being together on the way as churches and ecumenical partners at all levels from the local to the global, a way of accompaniment, listening to each other and solidarity”, said Rev. Dr Martin Robra, World Council of Churches (WCC) programme executive for Ecumenical Continuing Formation and professor at the Ecumenical Institute Bossey.

Patriarch Matthias: „Frieden ist die Botschaft, jeden Tag“

Patriarch Abune Matthias von der Äthiopischen Orthodoxen Kirche Tewahedo lobte in einer besonderen Grußbotschaft am 10. Februar im Ökumenischen Zentrum in Genf den Erfolg der weltweiten ökumenischen Arbeit, erwähnte aber zugleich, dass die Welt durch schwere Krisen auseinandergerissen werde.

Patriarch Matthias: “Peace is the message of every day”

Patriarch Abune Matthias of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church offered a special greeting at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva on 10 February, commending the success of global ecumenical work while acknowledging the grave crises tearing the world apart.