Displaying 161 - 180 of 217

Dublin consultation to explore ways to heal memories of large-scale crimes

The bloody conflict in Northern Ireland, the crimes committed under the apartheid regime in South Africa and under communist rule in eastern Germany, mass killings perpetrated by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia or by the Guatemalan military during a 35 year long civil war: the diverse cases of these nations and their struggles to cope with the legacies of massive human rights violations are at the heart of the 1-4 October ecumenical consultation "Healing of Memories - Reconciling Communities" in Dublin, Ireland, co-organized by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Irish School of Ecumenics.

International ecumenical conference to explore Christian thought and contributions to peace, reconciliation and forgiveness

Christian scholars from Europe and US will discuss peace, justice and security and how they relate to religion, spirituality and healing at an international ecumenical conference on "Forgiveness, peace and reconciliation" to be held 17-20 May 2007 in Volos, Greece. The current situations in Cyprus, Serbia, Russia, Ireland and the Middle East will be amongst case studies considered in a conference section on "Orthodoxy in situations of conflict".

"Recognise that we belong to each other" is Kobia's message in Dublin and Belfast

Healing wounded memories is an essential feature of the search for Christian unity, World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia told participants at a public seminar in Dublin, Ireland on Monday 30 April. A day earlier, in a sermon preached in Edinburgh, Scotland, he affirmed that churches are recognizing that "without each other, none of them is being fully church".

Die ökumenische Bewegung wird hundert Jahre alt: Kobia ruft zu ökumenisch verantwortlicher Evangelisation auf

Im Vorfeld der 100-Jahr-Feier der Weltmissionskonferenz, die 1910 in Edinburgh stattfand und als Symbol für den Beginn der modernen ökumenischen Bewegung steht, nahm der Generalsekretär des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK), Pfr. Dr. Samuel Kobia, eine fundierte Analyse der Erfolge und Misserfolge der ökumenischen Bewegung im vergangenen Jahrhundert vor und rief zu einer "ökumenisch verantwortlichen Evangelisation" auf.

Hundred years after mission conference gave impetus to start of ecumenical movement, Kobia calls for ecumenically responsible evangelism

On the threshold of the 100th anniversary celebration of the 1910 Edinburgh World Mission Conference, widely regarded as the symbolic starting point of the modern ecumenical movement, World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia offered a sober analysis of the past century's achievements and failures, and called for an "ecumenically responsible evangelism".

ÖRK-Generalsekretär Kobia besucht Mitgliedskirchen in Großbritannien und Irland

Der Generalsekretär des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK), Pfr. Dr. Samuel Kobia, wird den ÖRK-Mitgliedskirchen in Großbritannien und Irland vom 24. April bis 4. Mai einen Besuch abstatten. Geplant ist ein umfangreiches Besuchsprogramm, das Kobia Gelegenheit bieten wird, eine Vielzahl neuer Einblicke in Leben und Arbeit der Mitgliedskirchen von "Churches Together in Britain and Ireland" (CTBI) zu gewinnen.

Kobia to visit many-sided reality of WCC's UK and Ireland member churches

The comprehensive programme of Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia's forthcoming (24 April to 4 May) visit to the UK and Ireland will afford the World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary with many opportunities for new insights into the life and current work of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland's (CTBI) member churches.