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WCC commission members debate impact of current political trends

People from around the world involved in the work of three critical World Council of Churches (WCC) commissions have discussed global geopolitical trends impacting their activities and church members. The panel, led by the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, was moderated by Dr Mathews George Chunakara, general secretary of the Christian Conference of Asia.

Three WCC commissions meet to confront emerging global challenges

Three World Council of Churches (WCC) commissions—the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, Commission on Health and Healing, and Commission on Climate Justice and Sustainable Development—are jointly meeting from 5-8 March in Geneva to explore the theme "Faith and Effective Witness and Diakonia in the 21st Century.”

WCC general secretary opens New York symposium on human rights and dignity

World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay opened the 10th Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-based Organizations in International Affairs on 23 January in New York City, with reflections on the theme Human Rights and Dignity: Towards a Just, Peaceable, and Inclusive Future.” 

WCC sees firsthand those most affected by conflict in Colombia

World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay met with Colombian minister of the interior Luis Fernando Velasco on 13 December in Bogota to talk about the government's efforts to seek social, economic, and environmental justice.