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Vorbereitungspapier Nr 6: Dokumentation über EMS Versöhnungskonsultation

Wir freuen uns, die folgende Sammlung von Dokumentationen zu den Vorbereitungspapieren für die Athener Weltmissionskonferenz hinzufügen zu können.

We therefore request our congregations to work for a situation where the wrongdoing, which in some cases has only just come to light, is not repressed, and call upon them to seek solutions in cooperation with the responsible politicians and citizens' action groups.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

Preparatory Paper N° 6: Documentation on EMS Consultations on Reconciliation

We request our churches in Korea, Japan and Germany to work locally for the remembrance of history and the transmission of insights gained thereby to the next generation.

We therefore request our congregations to work for a situation where the wrongdoing, which in some cases has only just come to light, is not repressed, and call upon them to seek solutions in cooperation with the responsible politicians and citizens' action groups.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

Documento preparatorio Nº 6: Documentación de las Consultas de la EMS sobre Reconciliación

Nos complace añadir la documentación siguiente a la serie de documentos preparatorios de la conferencia de Atenas sobre la misión mundial. En ellos se ilustra cómo una comunidad de iglesias y cuerpos misioneros han abordado temas como la reconciliación y la violencia, la sanación de la memoria, el testimonio común y la construcción de la paz.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

Preparatory Paper N° 7: Mission in the 21st Century

The Conference "Mission in the 21st Century. Mission as Evangelism in Tension with Mission as Development", was held from 25 March to 1 April 2004 and was organised by the United Theological College of Zambia (UTCZ).

The purpose of the Conference was to explore and examine the commonalities and tensions between mission as evangelism and mission as development as it has been, and is being, experienced in many of the once politically colonised and the presently economically colonised countries of the south.

The goals were to understand and appreciate the gift of mission as evangelism and the gift of mission as development from a variety of contexts; to identify, and begin to understand and grapple with the complexities of the issues that we face as a world church; to hear from each of the continents, and begin to understand their focus for mission as evangelism, as we discern the relevance of this understanding for our own work and to interact with a wide variety of people and understandings of mission as evangelism.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism