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Faith Actors Reflect on Their Role in Reaching HIV Goals at ICASA

From 4 to 9 December 2023, thousands of people convened in Harare, Zimbabwe, for the 22nd International Conference on Aids and STIs in Africa (ICASA). Scientists, medical experts, advocates, people living with HIV, and civil society organizations came together under the theme “AIDS IS NOT OVER: Address inequalities; accelerate inclusion and innovation.” Participants from many faith traditions were a meaningful part of many of these representative groups but also took up a space of their own.

«L’occupation ne peut durer éternellement»

La pasteure Annica Anderbrant, de Suède, était accompagnatrice œcuménique près de Jérusalem du 31 août au 7 octobre. Le Programme œcuménique d’accompagnement en Palestine et en Israël du Conseil œcuménique des Églises, en réponse à un appel des responsables des Églises locales à créer une présence internationale dans le pays, accompagne les communautés et populations locales et offre une présence protectrice ainsi qu’un témoignage de leurs luttes quotidiennes et de leurs aspirations. Ci-après, la pasteure Anderbrant revient sur ce qu’elle a vu sur le terrain.

Webinar helps define menstruation as “a matter of our daily lives”

At a webinar organized by the World Council of Churches (WCC), Norwegian Church Aid, and the International Partnership of Religion and Sustainable Development on 30 May, participants brought to light the challenges faced in Menstrual Hygiene Management and the role that religious communities can play to build a world where no one is held back because they menstruate.

HIV and AIDS Civil Society Networks and the Faith Sector

Lessons Learnt from Strategic Engagement in India, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, and Jamaica

This booklet highlights the lessons learnt in a project, Strategic Engagement of Civil Society Networks and Faith Actors in the HIV Response in Four Countries,  implemented by the World Council of Churches (WCC), with the support of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), from July to December 2022 

This initiative facilitated dialogue between civil society networks, faith actors, and key national HIV stakeholders in the Dominican Republic, India, Indonesia, and Jamaica.

On World AIDS today, tackling inequalities is a matter of justice

During a webinar, Faith Communities in the HIV & AIDS response today,” held on World AIDS Day, participants received an overview of the history of response to HIV from the World Council of Churches (WCC) and UNAIDS, and they mapped the way forward in combatting new challenges.

World AIDS Day prayer service

01 December 2022

On 1 December, World AIDS Day will mark more than 40 years since the first outbreak of the epidemic; however, in 2021, every two minutes, an adolescent girl or young woman (15-24 years old) acquired HIV.

Geneva, Ecumenical Center - Zoom

WCC invites all to World AIDS Day prayer service

On 1 December, World AIDS Day will mark more than 40 years since the first outbreak of the epidemic; however, in 2021, every two minutes, an adolescent girl or young woman (15-24 years old) acquired HIV.

Theological education in Africa promotes social transformation

A Theological Education by Extension programme in Africa aims to reach many people who can collectively drive social transformation. This was affirmed during the All Africa Theological Education by Extension Association 5th Quadrennial Conference in Kigali, Rwanda, 24-28 October.

Répondre aux besoins humanitaires en Ukraine

Lorsque la Russie a lancé son invasion à grande échelle de l’Ukraine le 24 février 2022, cela faisait déjà huit ans que les Églises répondaient aux besoins humanitaires du pays, depuis l’annexion de la Crimée en 2014. L’action des Églises pour répondre aux besoins des personnes déplacées par la guerre ne date pas d’hier, mais leur ampleur est sans commune mesure face aux 14 millions de personnes déplacées au cours des six derniers mois, depuis le début de l’invasion.