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June 2005

<span style="font-weight: bold; "» Critical moment interreligious conference

Elections a sham say ecumenical partners of Togo churches

Six ecumenical bodies, including the World Council of Churches (WCC), have appealed to the African Union and the Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS) to bring the government of Togo and opposition parties to the negotiating table so that they may together seek a solution to the current crisis.

Preparatory Paper N° 13: Religious plurality and Christian self-understanding

The present document is the result of a study process started in response to strong suggestions made during the 2002 meeting of the WCC Central Committee to the three staff teams on Faith & Order, Interreligious Relations, Mission & Evangelism and their respective commissions or advisory bodies. The question of the theological approach to religious plurality had been on the agenda of the WCC many times, reaching some consensus in 1989 and in 1990. In recent years, it was felt that a new approach to this difficult and controversial issue was needed.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

Meditation 15 May - Kobia at Aeropagus

“The Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you”
(John 14:26)

In the fourteenth chapter of John we find Jesus expounding on ideas and concepts that the disciples find rather difficult to comprehend. Jesus is teaching them about the way, the truth, the life, and love.

General Secretary

Meditation 14 May Doc 1 Closing worship

Our three Bible texts are stories about how people have used their hands and arms in positive and beautiful ways. They have used their hands and arms to give healing, extend comfort and bring reconciliation to people they know and people they don’t know. By doing this they have also revealed something of themselves and they have also offered glimpses of who God is. Through all their embracing and reaching out, God’s love is always the starting point and the reconciliation and healing of human beings is always the future hope.