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Vorbereitungspapier Nr. 1: Mission und Evangelisation in Einheit heute

Dies ist das erste der Vorbereitungspapiere, die in unregelmäßigen Abständen ins Internet gestellt und von denen einige auch gedruckt werden. Das Papier “Mission und Evangelisation in Einheit heute” wurde im Jahr 2000 von der ÖRK-Kommission für Weltmission und Evangelisation als Studiendokument angenommen, das in der Vorbereitungsphase zur nächsten Weltmissionskonferenz Verwendung finden sollte.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

Documento preparatorio Nº 1: Misión y evangelización en la unidad hoy

Éste es el primero de una serie de documentos que serán publicados a intervalos irregulares, primero en la web y, después, en versión impresa para algunos. El documento “Misión y Evangelización en la Unidad hoy” fue aprobado por la Comisión de Misión Mundial y Evangelización del CMI en 2000 como un documento de estudio para ser utilizado durante la preparación de la próxima conferencia de misión mundial.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

Documento preparatorio No 10: La misión como ministerio de reconciliación

En elpresente documento se hacen reflexiones sobre la misión comoministerio de reconciliación desde un punto de vista ecuménicoy lo distribuye la Comisión de Misión Mundial yEvangelización (CMME) del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias como undocumento de reflexión y estudio en preparación de laconferencia mundial sobre misión que se celebrará enAtenas en mayo de 2005.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

Preparatory Paper N° 11: The Healing Mission of the Church

The present document has been prepared by a multicultural and interdenominational group of missiologists, medical doctors and health professionals. It builds upon the tradition of the WCC's Christian Medical Commission (CMC) and its most fruitful contribution to an understanding of the healing ministry of the church. This document does not repeat what remains well formulated in earlier texts of the World Council of Churches, such as the document "Healing and Wholeness. The churches' Role in Health", adopted in 1990 by the Central Committee.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

Preparatory Paper N° 4: Statement on mission as reconciliation

This paper offers reflections on mission as reconciliation from an ecumenical point of view and is shared as part of the preparatory process for the 2005 Conference on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME). It is the result of a consultation attended by ten missiologists coming from five continents, rooted in their own contextual spiritualities and coming from various church traditions such as Orthodox, Protestant, Pentecostal and Roman Catholic. They worked hard to reach and express some common convictions. The statement was received as a study document by the CWME Conference Planning Committee (CPC) during its meeting near Athens in March 2004. The CPC decided to share it widely, in order to receive reactions, comments, critiques, suggestions for modification and improvement. The paper will then be presented, possibly in a revised version, to the WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism meeting later in autumn this year.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism