Displaying 241 - 260 of 702

#WCC70: A slice of African history: overcoming violence…

For Marijke van Duin it was culture shock on two levels: being in sub-Saharan Africa, attending a huge international conference. Both for the first time. The Dutch Mennonite experienced confrontation, transformation and hope at the WCC 8th Assembly in Harare…and made a friendship that transcended borders.

#WCC70: A story of life

In writing a story for the 70th anniversary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), Elias Crisóstomo Abramides of Argentina, from the Ecumenical Patriarchate, is writing the story of his life. His service at the WCC opened for him the gate to meeting and loving “the very good Creation of God”: love, respect and admiration for the life of his neighbours and for all creation.

WCC advocates for economic justice at UN conference

The World Council of Churches (WCC) participated in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Civil Society (UNCTAD) Forum held at the Palais de Nations in Geneva on 24 May ahead of the UNCTAD board meeting on 4-12 June.

Kirchen formulieren Botschaft zu Ethik und Wirtschaft an G20

Am 17. Und 18. Mai sind Vertreterinnen und Vertreter verschiedener Religionsgemeinschaften, Theologinnen und Theologen, Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler sowie Fachleute für Entwicklung und Ökumene in São Paulo (Brasilien) zum 3. Dialog über Ethik und Wirtschaft (Dialogue on Ethics and Economics) zusammengekommen. Ziel war es, eine gemeinsame Botschaft an die Staats- und Regierungschefs der G20-Staaten zu formulieren, die im Verlauf dieses Jahres in Argentinien zu einem Treffen zusammenkommen werden.

Churches build message on ethics, economy for G20

Between 17–18 May, representatives of several religious denominations, theologians, economists, and experts in development and ecumenism gathered in São Paulo, Brazil, for the 3rd Dialogue on Ethics and Economics. They aim to build a common message to G20 leaders who will meet in Argentina later this year.

Roundtable focuses on faith-based, inclusive, sustainable finance

Through the invitation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and as part of the Responsible Finance and Investment Summit 2018 hosted by the Responsible Finance and Investment Foundation, the World Council of Churches (WCC) participated in a roundtable on the role of faith and finance organisations in promoting sustainable and inclusive finance.

“Church Action for Tax Justice” begins in UK

Christian leaders visited the House of Lords in the UK on 17 April to challenge government inactivity on tax justice reforms and to demand action. Beginning the initiative “Church Action for Tax Justice” (CAT), president-designate of the UK Methodist Conference, Rev. Michaela Youngson, joined Lords Rowan Williams and Richard Harries, Dame Margaret Hodge and Quaker leader Paul Parker to demand an end to corporate tax evasion, greater transparency and a change to the negative narrative around tax.