Displaying 41 - 53 of 53

“Conflict Zones and Covid-19” webinar

26 November 2020

A webinar hosted by the World Council of Churches (WCC) on 26 November will explore “Conflict Zones and Covid-19: A call to compassion.” Speakers from Cameroon, Nigeria, South Sudan, Lebanon, Belarus and Colombia will offer their insights on how conflict exacerbates the conditions for contracting and treating COVID-19 among civilians caught in the crossfire, especially women.

Webinar - “People on the Move: Solidarity and Advocacy”

12 November 2020

A 12 November webinar entitled “People on the Move: Solidarity and Advocacy” will highlight the experiences and often untold stories of refugees, stateless persons, seasonal and migrant workers, and undocumented persons, with a particular focus on ways they have been affected by COVID-19.


Webinar People at the Frontlines: the Gift of Life

05 November 2020

On 5 November, the World Council of Churches will host a webinar, open to the public, highlighting the experience and reflections of people on the “frontlines” of caring for communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Webinar series: Theological Reflections on Hate Speech and Whiteness

19 - 23 October 2020

A series of five webinars in five days convened by the World Council of Churches (WCC) will offer theological reflections on “Hate Speech and Whiteness.” Running from 19-23 October, the webinars are being produced bv the WCC’s Theological Study Group of the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace.

Zacchaeus Tax and Jubilee Now! - GEM School 2020 Public Webinar

14 September 2020

The webinar will be an opportunity to explore how taxation, reparations and debt cancellation could contribute to shaping an Economy of Life in the current landscape marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, widening socio-economic inequalities and a burgeoning climate emergency. The event will offer faith-rooted and gender-just perspectives as well as share concrete proposals as part of the ecumenical #ZacTax and Jubilee campaigns.

Webinar series: Human Rights and Climate Change

17 June - 01 July 2020

This series of short webinars are promoted by the Geneva Interfaith Forum on Climate Change, Environment and Human Rights (comprised of World Council of Churches, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Dominicans for Justice and Peace, Franciscans International, the Lutheran World Federation, and Soka Gakkai International) on the occasion of the 44th Session of the Human Rights Council.

Sustainable Environment: churches in action - a NCCI/WCC webinar

04 June 2020

The theme for World Environment Day, 5 June 2020 is biodiversity — a call to action to combat the accelerating species loss and degradation of the natural world. One million plant and animal species risk extinction, largely due to human activities. According to the WWF, Humanity has wiped out 60% of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles since 1970.