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Churches march in New York City to declare no faith in fossil fuels

Representatives of the World Council of Churches (WCC) joined tens of thousands of demonstrators in New York City for the "March to End Fossil Fuels." This powerful protest took place just before the United Nations General Assembly, where world leaders gathered for crucial climate discussions.

Beitrag des ÖRK zu Gedanken über soziale Gerechtigkeit in der Arbeitswelt

Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) setzte sich in seinem Beitrag zum Seminar „Social justice in the world of work and beyond: from common values to common engagement and action“ (auf Deutsch: Soziale Gerechtigkeit in der Arbeitswelt und darüber hinaus: von gemeinsamen Werten zu gemeinsamem Engagement und Aktion“) mit der Würde der Arbeit, Gerechtigkeit und Solidarität am Arbeitsplatz auseinander.

Impact of climate change: women and children bearing the brunt

From 2020 to 2021, more than 50 million people were displaced due to weather events and faced risks of trafficking and even death as well as discrimination based on race and gender. This finding emerged from the report of Ian Fry, special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change, to the 53rd session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva from 19 June-14 July.

ÖRK-Klimaarbeit strebt an, eine globale Stimme zu Klimawandel, Gerechtigkeit, Nahrung und Gesundheit zu vereinen

Beim Treffen der Arbeitsgruppe zum Klimawandel des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) diesen Monat freut sich die Beratergruppe darauf, die Früchte ihrer Arbeit zur  Reflexion und, am wichtigsten, zum Handeln bei der 11. Vollversammlung des ÖRK in Karlsruhe vorzustellen. Unten reflektiert P. Henrik Grape, leitender Berater bei der Arbeit zu Bewahrung der Schöpfung, Nachhaltigkeit und Klimagerechtigkeit, über die Arbeit zu Klimagerechtigkeit in Vorbereitung auf die Vollversammlung und darüber hinaus.

WCC climate work looks to unite a global voice on climate change, justice, food, and health

As the World Council of Churches (WCC) Climate Working Group meets this month, the advisory body is looking forward to offering the fruits of its work for reflection and, most important, action at the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe. Below, Rev. Henrik Grape, senior advisor on Care for Creation, Sustainability, and Climate Justice, reflects on climate justice work in the lead-up to the assembly and beyond.

Voices of hope and faith - Sharing visions of living in harmony with nature

28 February 2022

The World Council of Churches, ACT Alliance, Lutheran World Federation and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America are proposing a panel discussion to highlight the work of faith communities and especially indigenous, women and young faith leaders in mobilizing collective global action to protect nature and biodiversity and deliver critical reflections on enhanced biodiversity governance for climate resilience and posterity.

Groundbreaking global conference opens gates to a Pan-Africanism for all and with all to finally defeat scourge of racism

Over 23-29 October, a Global Conference of Africa and Africans in the Diaspora (AAD) revisited the historical 1945 Manchester Pan-African Conference and critically reviewed progress made since then. Speakers and participants also worked to determine and develop effective global strategies to radically change the lot of Africans and people of African descent globally—and thereby defeat the scourge of racism in the world.