Displaying 141 - 160 of 175

Trade Week of Action galvanizes churches

Calling for alternatives to enforced free trade, churches and church-related organizations world-wide, along with other religious groups and community partners, are gearing up for the Trade Week of Action, 14-21 October.

La Paz report - Just and inclusive communities

Representing the experiences, perspectives and visions of different excluded groups, a select group of 25 theologians from many parts of the world gathered in La Paz, Bolivia during May 2007, perhaps for the first time, to articulate their visions of the world and the church. Their attempt was to identify the possible thematic directions for the new programme - Just and Inclusive Communities - that brings together WCC's ongoing work in the areas of Overcoming racism, Ecumenical Disabilities Advocates Network, Indigenous Peoples and Dalit Solidarity.

WCC Programmes

Take action to stop terminator seeds demands WCC general secretary

The general secretary of the World Council of Churches, Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia, called upon churches and ecumenical partners to take action to stop "terminator technology". "Applying technology to design sterile seeds turns life, which is a gift from God, into a commodity. Preventing farmers from re-planting saved seed will increase economic injustice all over the world and add to the burdens of those already living in hardship," stated Kobia.

Preparatory Paper N° 11: The Healing Mission of the Church

The present document has been prepared by a multicultural and interdenominational group of missiologists, medical doctors and health professionals. It builds upon the tradition of the WCC's Christian Medical Commission (CMC) and its most fruitful contribution to an understanding of the healing ministry of the church. This document does not repeat what remains well formulated in earlier texts of the World Council of Churches, such as the document "Healing and Wholeness. The churches' Role in Health", adopted in 1990 by the Central Committee.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

GEN/PUB 5 Second report of the Public Issues committee

Table of contents:
Minute on economic measures for peace in Israel/Palestine
Human rights and languages of indigenous peoples
Countries affected by the tsunami
International Criminal Court
Detainees held at Guantanamo Bay
Iraq crisis: enhancing peace, accountability and the rule of law
Practising hospitality in an era of new forms of migration

Central Committee

TV documentary on debt and global campaign on trade launched at WSF

The launch of an ecumenically-sponsored TV documentary on illegitimate debt and a call to take part in a Global Week of Action on Trade next April were among the highlights of a seminar on "Moving further on illegitimate debt" held during the fifth World Social Forum in Porto Alegre on 30 January 2005.

Working with people living with HIV/AIDS organizations

This document has been written to accompany World Council of Churches, Partnerships between Churches and People Living with HIV/AIDS Organizations: Guidelines, (2005). Whereas the partnership document explores the question of why churches should work with People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) organizations and networks, this document has a focus on how churches may work with PLWHA organizations and networks. For example: What issues do you need to think about? What are the needs of PLWHA? How should you interact PLWHA? It is hoped that this document of practical suggestions will assist in helping make partnerships functional and effective.

WCC Programmes