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Communique issued at the end of the Africa Pre-Conference of the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

At a pre-conference held 11-15 September in Kenya, representatives from the World Council of Churches and the All Africa Conference of Churches focused on the theme “Dignity and Transforming Discipleship: Implications for African World Mission
In a communique issued at the close of the pre-conference, participants recognized that Africa will host the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism in Arusha, Tanzania from 8-13 March, 2018.

WCC Programmes

PAWEEN seminar July 2017

The PAWEEN seminar 2017 gathered high-profile scholars from leading theological institutions, church leaders, as well as executives of faith-based institutions and ecumenical bodies from and based in Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, North America and Europe, representing the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and several historic Black Churches, mainline Protestant and Pentecostal church traditions.

WCC Programmes