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Feiern der Einheit bringt Kirchen in Genf zusammen

An einem Gottesdienst im Rahmen der Gebetswoche für die Einheit der Christen versammelten sich in der Kapelle des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen am 18. Januar Vertreterinnen und Vertreter von 25 Kirchen in Genf.

Investisseurs, gestionnaires d’actifs, promoteurs, les Églises tentent de réduire le fossé entre foi et investissements

Une conférence de deux jours s’est tenue il y a peu à Genève portant sur la réduction du fossé entre la foi et les investissements grâce à la coopération entre différents groupes. Une réunion rare en son genre entre gestionnaires d’actifs et membres du clergé dont la clé du succès résidait dans l’analyse des formes de coopération pour réussir dans le respect des principes chrétiens.

Network of Christian entrepreneurs commits to faith in business

Leaders from more than 20 international and national associations of Christian entrepreneurs from 60 countries and diverse Christian traditions gathered at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva from 22-23 January for a conference titled, “Faith-based Entrepreneurs: Stronger Together.”

Economy of Life

Linking Poverty, Wealth and Ecology

“An economy of life is not only possible, it is in the making, and justice lies at its foundation.” — PWE Call for Action The enormous economic changes of recent years have highlighted problematic aspects and disturbing trends in our prevailing economic system. It will never be able to eradicate poverty nor safeguard God’s wondrous creation.

This slim volume chronicles the important work that the World Council of Churches has undertaken to understand the crucial connections between poverty, wealth and ecology. It also proposes ways to bring about a just, participatory and sustainable economic system, in which all human beings, other living creatures and our planetary home are cared for. Written for churches and the ecumenical family, it is designed to enable them to address these critical issues in their life and work as an imperative of faith.

Youth eco-justice efforts expand

Youth engagement in eco-justice is expanding in scope and sophistication, says Marcelo Leites, Latin American and Caribbean regional secretary for the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF).

Altmann affirms signs of hope in the ecumenical movement

"The WCC can be and still is prophetic today,"€ said the Rev. Dr Walter Altmann, moderator of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Central Committee, reflecting on highs and lows in the ecumenical movement and on the identity of the WCC.

WCC forum issues a call to promote “economy of life”

On 22 June, the World Council of Churches (WCC) Global Forum on Poverty, Wealth and Ecology concluded with a strong call for action to evolve “transformative congregations” with moral courage to build an “economy of life” that focuses on er adicating poverty, challenging wealth accumulation and safeguarding ecological integrity.

Working together for social justice and decent work

The dignity of work and workers is a common value among the faith traditions. It is also the focus of a policy handbook titled Convergences: Decent Work and Social Justice in Religious Traditions , for which the World Council of Churches (WCC) has collaborated with the International Labour Organization (ILO) .