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Ökonomie des Lebens, Gerechtigkeit und Frieden für alle: ein Aufruf zum Handeln

Im Nachgang zum Studienprozess über alternative Globalisierung im Dienst von Menschen und Erde (AGAPE), der mit dem auf der 9. Vollversammlung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) in Porto Alegre 2006 vorgelegten AGAPE-Aufruf endete, rief der ÖRK ein Programm ins Leben, dessen Schwerpunkt darauf lag, die Armut abzuschaffen, der Anhäufung von Reichtum den Kampf anzusagen und die Integrität der Umwelt zu erhalten, und das auf dem Verständnis basierte, dass Armut, Reichtum und Umwelt (Poverty, Wealth and Ecology - PWE) eng miteinander verwoben sind. Das PWE-Programm nahm einen kontinuierlichen Dialog auf mit religiösen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Akteuren. Zu den Teilnehmenden gehörten ökumenische Führungspersönlichkeiten, Vertreter und leitende Persönlichkeiten aus den Kirchen weltweit, interreligiöse Partner, politische Führungskräfte und soziale Einrichtungen aus einer Vielzahl von Regionen und Nationen der Welt. Regionale Studienprozesse und Konsultationen fanden statt in Afrika (Daressalam) 2007, in Lateinamerika und der Karibik (Guatemala Stadt) 2008, in Asien und im Pazifik (Chiang Mai) 2009, in Europa (Budapest) 2010 und in Nordamerika (Calgary) 2011. Das Programm gipfelte in einem globalen Forum und einer AGAPE-Feier in Bogor, Indonesien, 2012. Der nachfolgende Aufruf zum Handeln ist das Ergebnis eines sechsjährigen Konsultations- und regionalen Studienprozesses, der die Themen Armut, Reichtum und Umwelt miteinander verband.

WCC Programmes

Economy of Life, Justice, and Peace for All: A Call to Action

As a follow-up to the Alternative Globalization Addressing People and Earth (AGAPE) process, which concluded with the AGAPE Call presented at the WCC 9th Assembly in Porto Alegre in 2006, the WCC initiated a programme focused on eradicating poverty, challenging wealth accumulation and safeguarding ecological integrity based on the understanding that Poverty, Wealth and Ecology are integrally related. The AGAPE Call to Action is the result of a six-year process of consultations and regional studies.

WCC Programmes

AGAPE Consultation: There's a new world in the making

This document arises from the North American consultation on poverty, wealth and ecology sponsored by the World Council of Churches and held in Calgary, Alberta from 6 to 11 November 2011. This consultation that included representatives from Christian confessions in Canada and the United States of America along with representatives from other ecumenical organizations and local and global ecumenical partners took place at a time of deep global financial crisis and people’s resistance around the world. It is directed to the World Council of Churches, its member churches and partner organizations and all who share in the ideals and goals of this conference.

WCC Programmes

Ecumenical project report, internship programme 2007

Sina-Marei Degenhard took part in the WCC internship programme 2007. During their stay in Geneva each intern is expected to plan an ecumenical project to implement in his or her home context upon return. The report Sina-Marei Degenhard wrote about the project she implemented in Germany is published as an example.

WCC Programmes

African Women's Statement on Poverty, Wealth and Ecology

We, African women of faith, church leaders, theologians and activists, enriched by contributions from our sisters from Asia, Latin America, Europe and North America, have gathered in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 05-06 November 2007 to analyse the links between poverty, wealth and ecology in Africa, in deepening study and theological reflection on neoliberal economic globalisation, as part of the Alternative Globalisation addressing People and Earth (AGAPE) process.

WCC Programmes

The study process on poverty, wealth and ecological debt

The purpose of this paper is to spell out a framework for the proposed study and its envisaged outcomes for use of staff, researchers and the World Council of Churches (WCC) Reference Group on poverty, wealth and ecology. At the 9th General Assembly of the WCC held in Porto Alegre in 2006, it was proposed during the Ecumenical Conversation that had focused on "the scandal of poverty" that churches and partners in the ecumenical movement embark on such a study process to address the dearth of reflections and analysis on wealth and how wealth creation is related to poverty and ecology.

WCC Programmes

10-07 Documento de referencia para el Proceso de Estudio sobre la Pobreza, la Riqueza y la Ecología

Este documento tiene por objeto establecer un marco para enfocar el proceso de la AGAPE en el estudio de la pobreza, la riqueza y la ecología (PRE). Pueden utilizarlo los investigadores sobre PRE, los organizadores de consultas y seminarios sobre el tema, los responsables de cuestiones relacionadas con la economía y la justicia en las iglesias y los interlocutores ecuménicos. Es esencial en este proceso el hecho de que no puede haber paz sin justicia económica. Es de esperar que este enfoque ponga también de manifiesto la violencia relacionada con la economía y, por lo tanto, contribuya a la Convocatoria Ecuménica Internacional por la Paz (CEIP). Se adjunta como anexo un calendario ecuménico sobre la ejecución de este proceso de estudio.

WCC Programmes