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Seven Weeks for Water 2018, week 3: "Sweet water", by Rev. Dr Dario Barolin

The third reflection of the "Seven Weeks for Water", of World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical Water Network, is by Rev. Dr Dario Barolin, a pastor of the Waldensian Church in Uruguay. He is also the executive secretary of AIPRAL, the Alliance of Presbyterian and Reformed Churches in Latin America. In the following reflection he recalls an encounter with two youths of his church who are trying to revive a creek which has lost its freshness due to water pollution by industries. He then draws a parallel to the story of Exodus where Moses turns the bitter water of Marah into sweet, fresh water with the help of a plant, thereby implying plantation being key to watershed.

WCC Programmes

Seven Weeks for Water 2018, week 2: "Is there fullness of life without water?", by Gloria Ulloa

The second reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water is by Rev. Gloria Ulloa, an ordained priest of the  Presbyterian Church of Colombia and the president of the World Council of Churches, Latin American region.  In the following reflection she relates her own experiences of growing up in her village by the riverside.  She laments the current situation of water in the Latin American region and challenges the churches to address this water crisis to usher fullness of life among us.

WCC Programmes

Seven Weeks for Water 2018, week 1: "Water - Gift and Source of Life", by Ivo Poletto

The first Reflection of the “Seven Weeks for Water” of World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical Water Network is by Ivo Poletto, a philosopher, theologian and social scientist from Brazil. He is also national advisor to the Climate Change and Social Justice Forum in Brazil. In the following reflection, he analyses the water cycle of Brazil, the “flying rivers” of the Amazon but also laments on fast depleting forests which are breaking the water cycle and making clouds as well as aquifers disappear.  He insists that water is one of the common goods that require special care, as there is no life without water.

WCC Programmes

El Comité Ejecutivo del CMI aprueba los planes para 2017

Del 17 al 23 de noviembre, el Comité Ejecutivo del CMI se reunió por primera vez en China. La visita fue organizada por el Consejo Cristiano de China y el Movimiento Patriótico de las Tres Autonomías. El Movimiento Patriótico de las Tres Autonomías es una iglesia protestante de la República Popular China, además de uno de los organismos protestantes más grandes del mundo.

El CMI lanza un concurso de fotografía

¿Tienes una foto que cuenta una historia sobre la justicia del agua? En el marco de la campaña de Cuaresma "Siete Semanas para el Agua", la Red Ecuménica del Agua (REDA) del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) ha lanzado un concurso de fotografía en Instagram para animar a la gente a compartir imágenes del agua en su vida diaria.

Siete Semanas para el Agua: invitación a "unirse a la peregrinación hacia la justicia del agua"

La campaña "Siete Semanas para el Agua", que comenzó el lunes 3 de marzo, invita a las iglesias, a las organizaciones religiosas y a las personas de todo el mundo a unirse a una "peregrinación hacia la justicia del agua". Esta campaña se lleva a cabo mediante una serie de reflexiones en línea que se comparten cada semana durante la cuaresma, con el objetivo de sensibilizar a los participantes sobre el acceso universal al agua y el saneamiento.