Displaying 61 - 67 of 67

Christian unity strengthens between Sweden, Malta

Mikael Stjernberg is public relations manager for the Christian Council of Sweden, which visited Malta in October to meet with churches and organizations to hear how they worked to produce the material for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and to see how they work with refugees.

Beten für Einheit mit den Schwestern von Grandchamp 2021

Wenn man beim Betreten der in dunklem Holz gehaltenen Kapelle der monastischen Gemeinschaft Grandchamp in einem kleinen Dörfchen am Ufer des Neuenburgersees in der Schweiz nicht bewusst nach rechts schaut, kann man den schreienden „Gemarterten Christus“ am Kreuz – in Holz geschnitzt von dem brasilianischen Künstler Guido Rocha – leicht übersehen.

Praying for unity with the Sisters of Grandchamp in 2021

You may miss the cry of the tortured Christ on the cross, carved by the Brazilian artist Guido Rocha, if you do not look carefully at your right hand side as you enter the dark-wooden chapel of the monastic Community of Grandchamp, a hamlet near the Lake of Neuchâtel, in Switzerland.

Orar por la unidad con las hermanas de Grandchamp en 2021

Si al entrar en la capilla de madera oscura de la comunidad monástica de Grandchamp, una aldea cerca del lago de Neuchâtel (Suiza), no se mira atentamente hacia la derecha, es posible no ver el grito del Cristo torturado en la cruz, tallado por el artista brasileño Guido Rocha, encarcelado y torturado por las dictaduras militares en Brasil y luego en Chile.

Prier pour l’unité avec les Sœurs de Grandchamp en 2021

Vous pouvez manquer le cri du Christ torturé sur la croix, sculpté par l’artiste brésilien Guido Rocha, si vous ne regardez pas attentivement sur votre droite en entrant dans la chapelle en bois sombre de la Communauté monastique de Grandchamp, un hameau proche du lac de Neuchâtel, en Suisse.

Hosanna! Ecumenical Songs for Justice and Peace

Perhaps the greatest treasure of the ecumenical movement lies in its gatherings of songs, prayers, and other liturgical resources from around the Christian world. Now, adding to this wealth, come these 70 songs from composers around the world. Inspired by the WCC’s 10th Assembly, these songs of praise, adoration, struggle, mission, faith and hope constitute a deep resource for the pilgrimage of justice and peace. They are here published in English, French, Spanish, and German, with other languages, introduced by Andrew Donaldson, and augmented by recorded performances available online.