Displaying 1 - 18 of 18

COP26: historic moment into what really matters to sustain life

The highly anticipated, long awaited COP26 began 31 October. It has now been six years since the adoption of the Paris Agreement at COP21 and much remains to be implemented in order to fulfil the promises agreed to at that historic moment by the member states. We knew then that the road ahead would be challenging and that changing our systems would require a radical shift in policies and behaviours—but we were hopeful. 

Arctic communities to WCC pilgrims: “We need your voice”

Lorraine Netro, who was raised in the Gwichin First Nation of Old Crow, Yukon (Canada), is part of an indigenous community—but shes also a global citizen.

Todays Arctic peoples are important members of global society,” Netro said. The survival of Arctic cultures and communities remains tied to the wildlife and landscape of the Arctic Refuge.”

WCC advocates for climate justice at the Parliament of the World’s Religions

“We must lift the veil on our beguilement with consumerist culture and materialistic values”, said Bishop Mark MacDonald, the National Indigenous Bishop of the Anglican Church of Canada and president of the World Council of Churches (WCC) for North America, as he addressed a panel promoted by the WCC at the 2018 sessions of the Parliament of the World’s Religions, held in Toronto, Canada, 1-7 November.

World Social Forum sows seed of hope in global north

A delegation from the WCC attended the 12th World Social Forum in Montreal, Canada, which concluded on 14 August. More than 30,000 participants from around the world gathered to discuss global issues based on their local experiences, network with others working on similar problems, and create new joint initiatives advancing a progressive path forward.

El Foro Social Mundial siembra una semilla de esperanza en el Norte Global

Una delegación del CMI, asistió al 12º Foro Social Mundial en Montreal (Canadá), que finalizó el 14 de agosto. Más de 30 000 participantes de todo el mundo se reunieron para discutir sobre asuntos mundiales basándose en sus experiencias locales, relacionarse con personas que afrontan dificultades similares, y crear nuevas iniciativas conjuntas para seguir avanzando.

Le Forum social mondial, semeur d’espérance dans l’hémisphère Nord

Une délégation du COE a assisté au douzième Forum social mondial, qui s’est conclu le 14 août, à Montréal, au Canada. Plus de 30 000 participantes et participants du monde entier se sont réunis pour débattre de questions mondiales au regard de leur expérience locale, créer des réseaux avec d’autres personnes confrontées à des problèmes analogues et lancer de nouvelles initiatives communes tournées vers l’avenir et le progrès.

Weltsozialforum sät Saat der Hoffnung im globalen Norden

Eine Delegation des ÖRK nahm am 12. Weltsozialforum in Montreal (Kanada) teil, das am 14. August zu Ende ging. Über 30 000 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer aus der ganzen Welt kamen zusammen, um aus ihrer jeweiligen lokalen Perspektive über globale Fragen zu sprechen, sich mit anderen zu vernetzen, die an ähnlichen Problemen arbeiten, und gemeinsam neue Initiativen zu starten und einen progressiven Weg in die Zukunft zu finden.

Wiedererlangen unserer Meschlichkeit

„Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der die Öffentlichkeit ein größeres Bewusstsein für die Rechte indigener Völker entwickelt“, sagte Bischof Mark MacDonald, ÖRK-Präsident für Nordamerika und Nationaler Indigener Bischof der Anglikanischen Kirche von Kanada.

Reclaiming our humanity

Bishop Mark MacDonald shared views on indigenous peoples and climate change in an interview with WCC Communications. "We are entering an era in which the public has a broader awareness of the rights of indigenous peoples," he said.

Recuperar nuestra humanidad

Estamos entrando en una era en la que el público tiene una mayor conciencia de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas, dijo Mark MacDonald, presidente del CMI para América del Norte y obispo nacional indígena de la Iglesia Anglicana del Canadá.

Il faut reprendre possession de notre humanité

Le public commence à être bien plus conscient des droits des populations autochtones, a déclaré l’évêque Mark MacDonald, président du COE pour l’Amérique du Nord et évêque autochtone national de l’Église anglicane du Canada.

Recuperando nossa humanidade

O Bispo Mark MacDonald compartilhou algumas opiniões sobre os povos indígenas e as mudanças climáticas numa entrevista concedida ao departamento de comunicação do CMI. "Estamos entrando numa era em que o público tem mais conhecimento sobre os direitos dos povos indígenas", ele disse.